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Everything posted by SoulDragon

  1. Before i start to get into total fan-girl/excited mode i just wanna check if anyone has at least the tiniest bit of idea what i'm talking about if i say k-pop, k-drama and/or k-variety. It's a whole thing, really, the Hallyu wave; meaning korean pop and korean tv shows getting known and getting fans all over the world. But on the other hand, it's still not very well known. So anyone here interested?
  2. ROTFLMAO @hirondelle, aahh is that it, yes it makes sense hahaha
  3. Waaahh i love this Definitely saving it! Did you write it @Kethlia?
  4. hahaha i'm "free" from work now for a longer period also. And today especially i'm having a i'm-dead-today day (been busy the last few days),...so looots of time for reading everything here
  5. Me too, but mostly from the beginning of PI, when the new forum came (the sort like this one) it became crowded so fast it was too difficult to keep up. Always been SoulDragon except from very early on i used the name Kahlan, i changed when there came other Kahlan's but that was about 18 years ago at least. After a while i heard about FE and moved there and then ended up on NL somehow Now, anyone remember/from "Nathan Rahl's place? (that was before PI) Ooohh those nukes from Brian LOL i remember, it was SO annoying hahaha @Timberwolf
  6. UGH, be happy it's nice and warm...our fall season just started which means grey and rainy most of the time. Aaah i remember South-Korea last year in high summer. so nice i loved it...give me some warmth any time; around 35C / 95F you're just wet from sweat all over your body (surprisingly you don't smell sweat then). It takes a few days and perseverance to get used to it though, and some days it was hard to go do something physical, one day we actually sought refuge in a museum, i hate museums, but the airco definitely made up for it that day....LOL
  7. YES love it!!! Although i'm not able to join in , financially not capable to sent cards all over the world ~snif~ (did you know i was the one who started that way back on PI i think it was )
  8. Haha @Timberwolfof course Lily is beautiful as well (love the last pic @hirondelle), but the pic of Roso was especially beautiful
  9. Uuhm, well i'm not sure if it counts, but i'm doing an online self study Korean (language). Only started seriously about 2 months ago, before that i've been searching for a good way/place to learn (even the "Korean for Dummies" book didn't work for me ). Now i've found the perfect place with the learning method that works for me, and it's going very well, since yesterday i can follow an entire conversation in Korean (as long as they use the things i've learned so far hahaha). It was part of the lesson, to finish of level 1 lessons, there are 9 levels in total.
  10. I agree with Phoenix, but otherwise what Kethlia said...
  11. Welcome to The Northlands The Coolest Breeze. My name is SoulDragon, often called Soulie by the lovely people here, known as The dragon with a split personality (yeah, finally got the chance to mention that one again ). Hope to see many posts from you
  12. Thanks @Kethlia, that's SO nice to hear. ~huggles tightly~ Ah you on my facebook as well @Ren? I don't know who allot of people are there, only that they're from the fantasy forums, i only know the nicknames and not the real names hihihi sorry about that.
  13. SoulDragon

    What up!

    Kitty!! Welcome back! ~huggles~
  14. Oohh that's a thought: post it on FB hahaha I got SoftVelvet/Shelby on there. Also asked Dan my big bro, he's from farther back, but he didn't had time with kid etc.
  15. Goodmorning ya'll, i'm already past my 1st cup of coffee, before that i really don't feel like talking hahaha. I even hardly mutter a g'morning to the dog Anyways, wanted to give you a heads up ~grin~ if you'll read this first thing: I'm having a i'm-dead-today day because i've been too busy the past few days , but that means ppllleeeenty of time to spend here whahaha p.s.: What is hump day...is that a real thing???
  16. @TimberwolfRoso is indeed beautiful and i still remember Spike, how old is he by now?
  17. @hirondelle definitely true, going around with "locals" is indeed very nice, you get to see more of the real country i guess, and not so much only the touristy things. I do choose for travels with allot of free time, the best day i had was the last one; i went around Seoul by myself to places i personally wanted to see/visit, that was really awesome I'll definitely keep it in mind, but first up is a trip back to Seoul end march, together with another dutch girl i've met online and go to a concert there hahaha
  18. ~pounces and huggles @Dulcet~ Found ya!!! And uhhh.... yeah.....sorry don't do phone, seriously hate it, even calling with my best friends and direct family is something i avoid if possible...
  19. SoulDragon


    Ooowww so lovely
  20. @Lightningfalland @Timberwolf Yes thank you, didn't see the "enable status updates" thingy.
  21. The dragon with the split personality has also finally found how to do the status thingy, thanks xD

  22. Ohh ok, i thought that was about the diet/exercise and mental/physical health.
  23. Welcome back @Gwaelyn ~huggles~
  24. Hahaha, i'm not sure it's your cup of tea LOL But yeah, i was planning to post it in the writers forum, but i haven't reached there yet. Doing one new forum a day and keep up with the rest for the sake of catching up...or something along those lines I'm actually thinking of buying a big tablet so i can read the forums in the evening also when i don't feel like starting up the PC and sitting at a desk, the other reason is to watch video's on it (that's the only thing i'm using my current small tablet for)...so i'm not sure if those two reasons justify me spending money on a new tablet hihihi
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