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Everything posted by Squarepeg

  1. My boy. He was about three years old here. I drew it in 2013, but picture was taken a couple of years before.
  2. A bad photo of an acrylic painting of a skull and treble clef. I was not in love with music at the time of painting.
  3. Part of an Iron Maiden album cover. Seventh Son of a Seventh Son, I think.
  4. An old one called Created By Chris Carter.
  5. The original design for part of Autumn's butterfly tattoo. It has her initials in the wing.
  6. This was from an advertisement for a video game, the name of which escapes me.
  7. I was going to do the whole cast of Friends, but I stopped at Matt Perry. I don't know why.
  8. This pic was inspired by Set Fire To The Rain by Adele and is called All The Things You Said.
  9. I'll add a little bit. This isn't part 4, just a brief aside. She scared the crap out of me when she disappeared for three days. I was worried sick. I'd spend each night on the computer sending her messages, hoping beyond hope that she would respond and each time she didn't I became more and more scared. I did seriously consider contacting the police in Florida to go and check on her, I didn't know what else to do! But, that never happened, because on the fourth night of trying to get a response she finally answered me. The relief was like a physical blow to my heart and lungs. And, I'm not ashamed to say, there were tears. Her room mate, Dana, managed to get her back online by telling her something I only realised after seeing her IM message to me after her absence. He told her to get back online because I loved her and I missed her. Very astute is Dana. As Autumn said in her last post, the timeline is pretty hazy now, and I can't remember exactly when it was I told her that I was in love with her, but it was coming up to the time when I asked her something spontaneously, though from the heart. I sent her a message over IM that would change both our lives forever and start rolling not a ball, but a big fucking boulder. I asked her to marry me.
  10. Squarepeg


    It' s nice to hear your voice! I am one of the few who have had the privilege to actually meet you in person and Autumn and I both miss you when you go (and @Timberwolf of course!), so listening to you ramble helps with that. I'll be keeping an ear peeled for the next installment.
  11. The old man took a sip of the wine. After savouring it for just a little too long he said, "Patience is not one of my virtues, my young friend. In fact, I don't believe I have any." "Patience?" asked Joshua. "Virtues." replied the old man.
  12. He pulled the hammer back on the small handgun with his thumb and said, "You look a little too smug for a dead man." "What", said Joshua, " a dead man can't look smug? What if he wanted to die?"
  13. As long as you share the winnings! Will take the long way home.
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