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Everything posted by Cyrain

  1. And i do apologize... I promise they aren't all lewd. i swear i'm not that dirty >.>
  2. Ok, here's another one. Note the warning at the beginning lol Little bit of explanation: yes, Logan is a werewolf type character, and Cyra is a race that mature males develop horns (the shape usually determining a particular ethnicity), but females do not. Also note that Cyra keeps her hair short, very boyish, very androgynous.
  3. Thanks wolf ^.^ When i get home tonight, i'll see about posting another one of these.
  4. Cyrain

    Stephen King

    I know i read The Eye of the Dragon a long time ago and loved it. I remember trying to read The Gunslinger and couldn't get into it/the style of writing threw me off, but it's again been a loooong time. I honestly don't remember the last Stephen King book I read :-/ probably either The Green Mile or Eye of the Dragon
  5. I have this problem, where i constantly rewatch the same stuff that I've seen five million times. The logic is something like: "Well, it's getting kind of late, I'll turn off video games and lay down and watch something" *20 minutes later, still browsing netflix* "...from past experience, you know you're going to fall asleep in the middle of whatever it is, so you shouldn't watch something you actually want to see." Alternatively "if you pick something you haven't seen and actually want to see, you'll stay up too late in order to finish it." *another 10 minutes* "Oh, f*ck it." *starts an episode of Sherlock again...for the 200th time.* That said, i've been making my way through Once Upon a Time
  6. Not a story, but something that has been teasing on the edges of my thoughts this morning. Of course, this is one of those things that, as an adult, I feel like I'm not supposed to worry about or deal with anymore, like it's something reserved for dramatic teenagers donning their heavy black eyeliner, writing bad depressive poetry. God knows that was me not long ago in the scheme of things. I never got much into makeup, and by most accounts I wasn't all that outwardly dramatic as a teen, but i wrote the sad, emo poetry and internalized my drama into one long existential crisis, so I can't help but look at things like this that i wrestle with and wonder if I'm supposed to be past all this, that as an adult, it's childish to dwell on such things. And while there's always a certain amount of insecurity and reassurance being sought after, this isn't really that; I'm not looking for people to come forward and say "No you're not, you're wonderful and beautiful and are great"... it's just me acknowledging and wrestling with some thoughts. I just recently (as in an hour ago) finished reading Colorless Tsukuru Tazaki and His Years of Pilgrimage by Haruki Murakami, and one of the things the character Tsukuru deals with is the idea that he is colorless, without personality, he is an empty vessel. "I have nothing to offer." This resonates powerfully with me; in Tsukuru I found my reflection. There is a common phrase or saying, that 'everyone likes to feel needed'. I've gone through life feeling superfluous. Unneeded. I look at the people that I somehow manage to call friends and I know why I need them. I need their personality, their humor, their strength, and passion to fill me up, to make me less alone, to make me smile and create. Even those who are introverts like myself are a different kind, and they bring me out and make me feel and love and laugh. The problem...is that i don't know why they need me. What use is someone who is empty? I'm not strong, I have no strong convictions, no solid opinions or skill in debate. My life has been placid, uneventful, boring. I don't have the personality or energy, the vivaciousness to be a party person or be invited out to events, and I have nothing of interest to offer to a conversation. I'm not needed by anyone. I have no rights to anyone's time, I can make no demands of attention from anyone. They don't need me, so if I become too troublesome or a nuisance, what keeps them from just letting me go? Nothing. So, I'm kept around because someone wants me around. Being needed versus being wanted. What's the difference? Which is stronger? We always consider that being needed is stronger. A need is immutable, its a necessity that is unchanging. We need food, water, shelter. Need never goes away, never changes. Want is fleeting. We want a cookie, a book, a car. Makes us happy for a time, until it's importance is worn out and can be let go. Is it possible to live with just being wanted? To have people who say "I love you, and I want you here." To have friends who make the choice to continually want you around. Is it possible that choice is more valuable than necessity? Am I worth less by being a want? Is it ok to be the empty vessel?
  7. Was behaving for me earlier, but now it's back to its wicked ways. Thanks wolf for doing all this for us!
  8. Also, just finished Colorless Tsukuru Tazaki and... damn. I might have to sit with this a while. hmm.
  9. I mean, i don't know that any of them will necessarily have the same impact that the original three had, but The Invisible Ring was good, and has few tie-in's with the main three. Tangled Web... I read it and enjoyed it as part of the world, but honestly, nothing really stood out about it or the story there. Dreams Made Flesh I actually really love. It's a collection of four stories, one dealing with Saetan's past, one that reads more like mythology and the beginning of the Blood. Of the two longer stories, one deals with how Lucivar met Marion, and the other is Daemon and Jaenelle after the original trilogy. Twilight's Dawn is another collection of stories, but i've only read it once, so I'd need to read them again to refresh my memory. The Shadow Queen and Shalador's Lady are both excellent, Her other series are really enjoyable, if you wanted to venture outside the Black Jewels realm. Tir Alainn trilogy is particular favorite, and I've been enjoying The Others as well. The first two Ephemera books, Sebastian and Belladonna are great, but I couldn't get into the other one, Bridge of Desires.
  10. Thank you for the kind words ^.^ Honestly it's probably one of the best pieces out of all these little snapshots i've done, but I'll look to see what else might be shared, even if it's not quite as good. My friend, the GM and english teacher is actually thinking of writing out a novel of Cyra, Logan and Jonathan. He's far too busy right now, but I'm just excited that he loves the characters enough to tell their story (and yes, he's a far better writer than I). So, there's a potential book(s) but I'm not likely to be the one writing it.
  11. OMG... These books are seriously, some of my favorite ever. Very first time i read them (years and years and years ago) I cried at the end. I've picked up all her other books since then, but Black Jewels has my heart. 'pretentious smuggery' is possibly my new favorite phrase of the day :3 Currently reading: Colorless Tsukuru Tazaki and His Years of Pilgrimage by Haruki Murakami (E-book borrowed from the library so i can read in browser at work) I've been a fan of Murakami for some 10 odd years now, but really loving this book so far...I probably identify far too much with Tsukuru though Eye of the World (Ebook on my phone, also while i 'work'. I think it might be time to finally finish the series, so I have to start at the beginning)
  12. Oh god, this is hard... No order here: Buffy the Vampire Slayer Firefly Sherlock (BBC) How I Met Your Mother Supernatural (ok, i'm only on season 6, but i still love it) Criminal Minds Dead Like Me Chuck Suits Castle
  13. Yeah, was going to mention this. I'm on Chrome, and i'll log in, and it will show that i'm logged in everywhere except on the Forum home screen, and threads/posts aren't updated. Click on thread and shows me as logged in and can post no problem.
  14. Thank you all ^.^ So good to see so many familiar names
  15. Just throwing this in a new thread so it doesn't clog up others. Calling it snapshot stories, because they're just little, blink of the eye, moments in time, shared between two characters... no real 'beginning, middle, end', and generally not long enough to show much of, or any, plot. It's just a moment, a conversation, a shared look. Anyway, as promised, this one doesn't really need much in the way of explanation. The character Cyra was created for a tabletop RPG that my friend created and ran. Logan and Jonathan are, were, important people to Cyra, Logan as her lover and Jonathan as their best friend. Hope you enjoy ^.^
  16. This came up in my YouTube, and I know I’m not the only Terry Brooks fan *cough @Timberwolf cough* and I like the points he makes. The audio might be off fair warning
  17. Is it wrong that i take some pleasure, knowing you'll have to wait until you get home from work to enjoy the lewd? I mean... it's tasteful, but still probably not something to have up at work lol Maybe tonight i can come up with a little poetry.
  18. Why do you tease me like this..? Do you know how long it's been since i've been properly 'punished'? ok, ok... i leave the welcome back thread for its intended purposes.
  19. Not in a long time. Every now and then i'd get a line and then play with it a little, but none of any significance. Though i'm curious what you might have enjoyed enough to have saved from all those years ago. Found one that doesn't need explanation, it's just a little...lewd. If that's ok, i'll post it here when i get home from work.
  20. ~ Takes her time finding the paddle, holds it behind her back and sloooowly backs out ~
  21. Where am i? Who am i? Who are you people?!

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Timberwolf


      You know who I am. 

    3. Kethlia


      Just an innocent bystander to aforementioned events.

    4. DragonsBane


      we are fun, bordering on extremely bad, influences .

  22. >.> <.< Well, it was very naughty of me, to make you wait...
  23. Spent too much money yesterday, i know i don't have the skill or motivation to style my hair so it will continue looking this good and looking adult makes me realize... damn, i'm getting old. lol
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