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Everything posted by Cyrain

  1. Went out and spent actual, serious cash on a haircut and highlights, and while god knows it will never look this good again, right now it looks pretty fkin great. like, looked in the mirror and "well, fk. I look like an adult." ^.^
  2. Became really good friends with someone i met through video games, and as a fan of tabletops and as an English major and teacher he has gotten me back into a little bit more creative writing. Usually they are just little one off 'stories', a little memory, exchange between character i made for tabletop game and others in her life. I might see if there are any that can be shared without a lot of explanation to post here. When that tabletop game imploded (as players we just couldn't get things to mesh), that character's story finished and so now i've been talking to the GM about new game and new characters. Only other thing of note is putting some details about a concept that's been floating around my head for 10+ years down on paper. Nothing really creative to it, just the form and function.
  3. @hirondelle you lured me back with my own curiosity and should now deliver
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