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Everything posted by hirondelle

  1. I love you so much! Thank you for sharing your life with me.
  2. hirondelle

    NFL 2020

    Congratulations to our beloved @Spyder for winning the Northland Pigskin Pickem for the 100th year in the row. This is what happens picking against Brits and Hockey fans - maybe we will find you some decent competion one year.
  3. I saw that the UK has a more virulent mutant strain right @Deano? They are thinking of banning Brits from entering Thailand (but they can't stop Thais entering from the UK). What a clusterfuck!
  4. Now I'm on Book 4 (The Blood Mirror). I have a plan to read at LEAST 24 books this year and yes I know that is pathetic but social media broke me and getting my stamina back is slow progress.
  5. Seriously I gained about a full English stone (14lbs) over 2020 thanks to being in sedantary covid hiding and working from home (eating from home more like). I have to fix it this year - covid kills fat people faster! Anyone else gained / is trying to lose weight? Misery loves company.
  6. hirondelle

    Hockey Cards

    That is so kind of you @icewlf! I'm sure some of the Thai kids who play with Dom would love a card from the US no matter who is the player haha. BTW did you receive a calendar from a strange man in Bangkok? If so we sent it haha. Well we bought it and a bloke called Tim who made them sent them out. But like a fool he put his own name and address on them rather than ours
  7. DULCET AND KETH! I can't believe you were here posting and I missed you.
  8. OMG of course, she can definitely have them. *pats pockets absently* now where did I put them...? *looks around thoughtfully*
  9. Thank you for your eternal support. I seem to have lost my mojo, especially with figure drawing / erotic themes. Maybe I can try something innocuous like flowers or leaves. That is amazing.. Also you need a bigger pad lol
  10. Good to her from you @icewlf. I have also been struggling a bit with the working from home bit. I like it, and continue to do it even though I no longer have to but it does have an insidious impact on your mental health, and physical health if you arent careful. Even without parents.
  11. They are really great! And you can draw hands! Wow, I find them so hard to get right.
  12. Just couldn't get up this morning. I think it is because I am on holiday starting Friday - my body was like "nooo let's start today"
  13. yes, don't read anything that puts you in a bad place sweetie, the world is stressful enough at the moment. I am reading The Broken Eye (Lightbringer B3) and Cracking Thai Fundementals. Lol, been here over 20 years you would think I'd have cracked them by now - but no, I am one of those stubborn immigrants who refuse to assimilate. Well, I have been - I am trying to change that now.
  14. Thank you for loving me @Timberwolf and don't worry about the 16 years thing, sometimes it feels like it... Sometimes it feels like 60. But mostly it feels like yesterday. I love you!
  15. We are doing okay. There is no covid in Thailand but lack of tourists means economic insecurity. I'm feeling that a bit job wise, too although I'm not in the tourist industry. I'm also struggling with mental health a bit too which is frustrating because I really thought I was starting to get on top of it. But really things are good, we have jobs and we are healthy.
  16. Thanks for dropping in Sweet Mir - much love to you and your family.
  17. I agree with everything you said here Spy. I'm so grateful to TG... (Although tbh I started reading him purely because RJ wrote too slow and I needed something to fill the gaps). Actually the politics didn't get to me until FotF and I pretty much stopped reading shortly after. But yes without Terry I wouldn't have you guys and Dom... So I am beyond grateful. RIP Terry Goodkind.
  18. hirondelle


    aw, he still had his Zorro mask
  19. hirondelle


    Roso is so elefant. I mean elegant.
  20. baby cats when they weren't assholes
  21. We have been good Deano. Thailand is a lovely country to be "trapped" in. Just wish COVID had caused people to use discussion boards more hahaha
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