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Everything posted by Kethlia

  1. Kethlia


    Thank @hirondelle I did indeed add another entry and saw that it kept it separate but still apart of the blog that I created. Does anyone have tips about blogging for this newbie?
  2. Kethlia


    Come all ye holidays, days of worship and times of feasts. Come all ye people to celebrate, worship and to eat. Come all ye spirits the living, deceased and the fae. Harken to our windows, tables and doorways. Making merry, popping cherries and rejoicing as we feast. No year is quite complete without a gathering of all people near and far. They set away their differences and embrace each other as they are. Come all ye seasons long or short and tarry with us a while. Less for sleeping and more for leaping as gaily we dance within Life's flow. Thank thee kindly Father Time and Mother Earth for granting us existence for a moment more.
  3. Welcome back Tika. A new name or reborn name is great for new memories of fun or facepalm moments.
  4. Welcome back @DarkAngel may you enjoy your time here as I hope you did elsewhere. Otherwise my question would be which kind of dark angel are you?
  5. Takes another drink from my NL home and breathes deeply.  I swear there is nothing like coming home, going on break or any free time I feel the urge to log in and catch up. No frills just thrills, laughs and innuendo.

  6. Kethlia


    Non stop laughs from this thread. On a side note I fell in love with the Sultana in those books and I did think about whether I would be a good pony or a bad pony (>> unintentional ).
  7. Kethlia


    @Phoenix I am socially labeled a bi-curious woman. Though I am marrying a man I still feel a part needs to be filled where a female companion may grace my life in such a way. However I still personally identify as Bisexual. But, am in no rush to find her as I just enjoy being who I am currently. However I do wonder about the function of the genetic occurrence of a hermaphrodite in the past and whether it was not so much a defect or fluke but a actual response to mankinds gender balancing. Does our genetic code actually carry the sequences necessary to delay the (re/de)population of our species just as it carries the genetic code for cellular death?
  8. I don't know if these qualify as albums. But, I'll try. The Kapena Collection by Kapena. It's what my parents listened to when cleaning and as a way to keep in touch with the island culture. Evanescence -Fallen - These songs come closer are used during my dark times in life. Especially the song Bring Me To Life. Where I would think about letting go of my Will to alive but a part of me would always fight to keep it. Within Temptation-The Silent Force- A mix of songs that related to my low times and joyful times in life. But, mostly listened to when I was thinking about my past lives.
  9. The only drama I watched briefly was Freeze and the Coffee shop. As far of k-pop I have only listened to a few namely BoA and Bi Rain when they first started.
  10. And the invocations actually work i would love to be one of the unicorn riders after being chosen by one. But, if I had my wish I would be a be a wolf rider from the Elfquest series.
  11. *Tears fall, as I shake my head.* "If we know nothing then I am nothing." I look at my form. "Something Lost.", 'But, I is found.' 'I is now.' "We-" She gestures to all and sees a new form near. 'We are all, I knows.' I feel quiet and calm with the woman and a man? Yes, that is a man. But, nearest woman, She is light, no the light is in her. "We are we and I am I, yes?" The word Name calls something to my mind. Then nothing it is gone, "It's lost" "Is I name? My," I hesitate, "No, I am nothing. What is Name when I is name." My gaze wonders to the light then to what is next to the light. The word darkness comes to my mind. " I am not light. I am not dark. I am." I shake my head of the thoughts crowding in. Words shifting becoming things called sentences. Pictures becoming forms. It doesn't make sense but I know them. "I know some. But nothing else. Something else is gone. My name? I don't know. I know now, that's I don't know." I look up at the company around me. "Light and little light then he is dark little dark.", I pause as something feels familiar I gesture at them and then at me repeating what I said to myself. "I am not light nor dark. You are. I am not."
  12. You're not the only one Moon and now that song is stuck in my head.
  13. Unsure of what's going on but knowing that the confidence of the woman's words were absolute. She pulls her hands out of her pocket and walks up to the bar to sit where indicated. "Um, thank you, Miss." The woman looks closely at the bar. "I am Yui." She blushes suddenly and looks away only to be startled by her bar companion's moving complexion. She blinks and looks away again, still blushing. "Just Yui is fine." She wasn't going to say her last name it was embarrassing.
  14. Well it seems my former Twilight goddess wants a mortal remake and I am quite new to playing a character that does not know who they are after having known moments before. So bare with us. I may be her creator but as often happens the life given to my creations makes them their own living breathing entity out of my control.
  15. ~Well you do make for a lovelier looking Casper.~ Mentally remark. "Take care whom you invite into your hallowed home. The threshold is there for a very good reason." *A darkening gaze and a wicked smile are seen with a fleeting glance before innocence returns.* Then the waters too cold to be cool soak me through once again and I huff with a roll of eyes towards moonie. "We can always go to a pool if you need water that badly." Smiles despite the drenching.
  16. It's a prerequisite that happens before becoming lost in here.
  17. The woman breathes steadily with no evidence of harm if anything it seems a sleep has taken her with an unnatural swiftness. The air around the form wavers as the last of the rift's essence leaves this realm. A jolt of the woman's mind and Body streaks through her. Until her eyes opens and sees another figure near her. A blink and we are there in her. "No! I am. I am." A silence trails after her soft voice is heard. Another and she comes into her awareness. Looking around she, we, I see. I see water. Water flowing from a cup. From a fountain near by to the two, three entities nearest me. "Who am I?" Am I, I?" I pause and focus on those near me they are two two female entities. Women, in a garden? A courtyard? "Are you, you?" I lean forward feeling a need. A need to hold my arms around my knees. The world is spinning. I know something is lost. Did I lose it? Did we? "It's lost. Me, myself, I. These words I know I do not know how I know. Help. That is a word too." I look up at the women and become sadden. "Sorry, I know to say sorry to you." I look at my hands But, why am I sorry?" I breathe softly, tears begin to fall. "I, I is sorry. I am sorry. Sorie." I look up hopeful, "Do you know I? Me? We?" My mind runs in circles, nothing is coming to me. So, I sits silent. Waiting for the two entities to speak. My mind drifts. Illusion, Magic, Tricks. Confusion settles in again.
  18. Kethlia

    Self Harm

    Talk away @Aliea the more we know about you and what self harming means in that moment or does to you outside of the dark days is another step that we can take closer to you. Knowing the magic that you are aligned with helps as well. We'll know what to send you in vibes, energies, or anything else you may need sent to you and do so properly. To you my dear I can say it with trust. "Take what you need, I give it willingly. To help, to heal, to be. By our Will it is done between us alone."
  19. Kethlia

    My Journey

    Hugs* Then is we ever meet in real life Mistress I will bring a sparkling apple cider or grape cider no alcohol what so ever to enjoy with you and maybe a picnic outdoors. Though I doubt there will be a view more breathing taking than the one is will be my companion
  20. Welcome lovely! It's great to have here.
  21. Kethlia


    The physical genders that I know exist scientifically or otherwise. Male, Female, Hermaphrodite. I also believe in an androgynous person because we are humans who continue to either evolve or devolve depending on our survival situation. Then there's genders based on one's mental preference, well there's a list the newest I do not know yet it was based on what sex they believe their body to be more aligned with than what they were born with. Social genders are those established to identify one's self both physically and or mentally to those around them. Creating more specific labels to classify themselves as their selected gender mix. A fourth is one that is a constant pull of your being by the soul/spirit/inner intuition and one that can change depending on length of life lived, environmental factors and fervent belief. Granted this a very simplistic view of those who have touched my life. Either way they were still human to me.
  22. One that found in a garage sell. Though a young adult series I love them. https://www.goodreads.com/series/63387-the-secret-of-the-unicorn-queen
  23. @Lightningfall I must visit you now and get lost in the library with you near by as I read to my heart is content! So we have also started a book club when I was in school and though it would be awesome to have the hard copy, digital copy or audio there is still another option. We can browse through our local libraries to find a match to the one chosen. Now I only know how the system works in state so I don't know about my awesome international beloved finding the exact same book. Unless we specifically focus on internationally acclaimed authors. Charles De Lint The Wild Wood would be an example of whether we could find this author and book where ever we live.
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