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Everything posted by Dulcet

  1. Dulcet

    NFL 2021

    Go Bears
  2. Dulcet

    New Ranks

    I've noticed some things do not count as points. Can we get a more complete list of things that do and do not count as points?
  3. I’m a Bairn! 

    1. hirondelle
    2. hirondelle


      Oh your rank!! Haha I am a Stray!  :D

  4. Come join us! https://us05web.zoom.us/j/82847094927?pwd=VUNobTMvZWxzZHhvY01oVUp1bmJvZz09
  5. FYI: For those wondering when the next chat time is, @Timberwolf has fixed the countdown clock OR message me and I'll bug you about it. Typically it's the last Saturday night of the month (Sunday morning Bangkok time) 9PM CST See ya there!
  6. Bought myself an iMac. For....school. And watching Olympic stuff.
  7. Is there a length requirement? and will there be cookies?
  8. Looks good to me.
  9. So is this like still a thing we are trying to do?
  10. Because I have exhausted my options with the police and I have been informed the investigation is closed, I'll post this here. Names are redacted on my copy of this police report. Despite all this, the guy is still allowed to live here. Update is he's been keeping his distance as have I. No further altercations have occurred which is a good thing.
  11. I never would have been able to move to where I am now if we had acted like you guys. I remember telling a friend of mine in February about the wuhan stuff and to avoid people from China. The very concept of it reaching our shores never entered our minds. If it did we were assured it would be isolated like the Ebola outbreaks were and the general public shouldn’t even worry. I have to say even if we handled it better, wearing a damn mask is still a political thing. Now the CDC has lifted the National mask mandate leaving everyone including businesses to interpret the guidelines for themselves. In Ohio for example there’s a million dollar lottery reward for getting a vaccine while in New York City you can get a free burger for getting vaccinated. Truth is there’s tons of vaccine here it’s just lots of people have jobs and work when the vaccines are offered. Or they flat out don’t trust the data as of yet on certain vaccines. Are there things like the CDC in Thailand and what are their recommendations regarding mask wearing?
  12. Very interesting episode to hear the Covid timeline from your perspective. I remember a very different timeline on when we first had to wear masks was in mid March 2020. I remember because I couldn’t go shopping at Walmart without one. But I could go to my local gas station without one at first.
  13. Supernatural gotta finish this bitch up. I hate how addicting the writing is. I’m neck deep into season 13.
  14. Yeah it was nice to see and chat with you guys! See ya next month. Or sooner, depending on how you post.
  15. Archaica: The Path of Light Children of Zodiarcs
  16. I’ll get it as soon as I get paid this week. I’m totally interested.
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