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Everything posted by Dulcet

  1. The Little Things Snowpiercer Lovecraft Country Not gonna lie. HBO max was a wise investment.
  2. Someone near and dear to my childhood passed away today. She was my friend Kelli’s mom. I’d give anything to be with my friend right now to comfort her, but all we have is the phone. I ask that you send good vibes her way for support. I’ll be fine, but I worry for my friend. Kelli was my prom date in high school. She moved away when we graduated but a mutual friend kept us in touch.
  3. Loved it as well. Can’t wait for the next one. We talked about Tabletop Simulator on Steam. Hopefully we can get that going!
  4. No, I think it’s an hour off. Last I remember we are CST which is 12 hours behind you? Right now it’s 9:15pm
  5. What platform is it gonna be on?
  6. Yup I’m central time. Sounds good!! Can’t wait!!
  7. Sure what time? (also waiting for others)
  8. I read the first book in the Mistborn trilogy way back before anyone cared who Sanderson was. I took it as a stand-alone at the time. I read it for a book discussion group. I wasn’t a fan back then but now I regret my initial review. I remember discussing with people how cheesy it was because he had only written a few books at the time. Now, I’ll never read all his books so I’m just gonna read the big ones. Stormlight is good so far, but I really liked Way of Kings better. That was like sliced bread good. Words of Radiance is such a bore of a read so far. Good plot but I’m only pushing through it BECAUSE everyone has such high praise for the series. I’m hoping book 3 is better.
  9. Sounds good to me! I can’t wait
  10. I’ll be getting a Covid vaccine this week! Pretty damn grateful for that.
  11. The organization that owns my building got some vaccines in stock! I’ll be getting a vaccine on Wednesday. I don’t know which one I’ll be getting but I’m very grateful to be even getting one so early.
  12. I finished The Alchemist’s Dream by Matthew T. Summers in one night. I haven’t been able to do that in ages! It felt great. Now I’m back into Sanderson’s Words of Radiance. Not planning on whizzing through that just as fast.
  13. I’m trying to get into Assassin's Creed Black Flag, but I can’t get past the deserted island scene where you gotta find the assassin. I get lost.
  14. Really? Why don’t they have it there?
  15. My stimulus check came to my account on New Year’s and oh what a relief it is. I can afford new glasses and I bought this fancy new controller for Star Wars: Squadrons in my PlayStation VR. Man I can’t wait til it gets here!!
  16. 2020 was pretty shitty but I’m grateful I moved to my new place just before Covid in February. My neighbors are nicer and the community is great. I’m also grateful for this place still being around.
  17. Got to pick out new glasses today.
  18. Dulcet

    NFL 2020

    Congrats @Spyder
  19. I’ve been trying to lose weight too. One thing that has helped me is I invested in RingFit Adventure for the Switch. It’s a legit workout video game set up like an RPG. I don’t use it as much as I should but it beats going to the gym or doing stuff outside. Outside is a place, right? LOL
  20. I have a similar goal this year. I’m just not setting a number this year because if I finish 3 it’ll be amazing. But this year, there’s actually stuff out I wanna finish or start. I got audible to help me out too so we will see. Good luck @hirondelle with your reading goal!!
  21. On a whim I bought Star Wars: Squadrons and I’m loving it so far. It’s the quintessential game to get for the VR whether it’s on PC or PSVR. I suck st it right now but it’s really fun to play in story mode. Eventually when I get good I’ll play against and with others online. It’s neat cuz it’s cross platform on EA. tag is dulcetironrose if anyone wants to hit me up on there
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