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Everything posted by Tika

  1. Tika


  2. Juice
  3. Tika

    Amusing Pictures

    Lol @Timberwolf that's definitely worthy of this thread Me every time someone takes my picture...
  4. Tika


    Yeah I feel the same, I try to find something that makes me laugh or at least smile every day or I'd go crazy... like the little old lady who smacked my ass last night or the one who was telling the toilet paper roll it was a cute puppy lol.
  5. That I have the next 2 days off and I'm going to see Bladerunner with my mom later today
  6. Tika

    What made you sad?

    Changing a resident today who is in her last days... there's just... nothing left of her. I try to remember she's 103 years old, she's lived a full amazing life but it's so hard sometimes. I just wanted to sit and hold her but I couldn't, I didn't have time to. So instead I stroked her hair, kissed her forehead, told her how beautiful she is and said "sweet dreams sweetheart" and bit back tears.
  7. Tika


  8. Bug
  9. Is still a sweet-talker
  10. ~Falls down on the floor~ Floor comfy... nighty night...
  11. Tika


    Ok I need to rant... Work was insane tonight. I walked almost 10,000 steps in 8 hours, I changed or toileted or helped in some way probably 50 people multiple times each. We are so short staffed right now it's awful... we have 66 residents currently and tonight it was just me, 1 nurse and 1 other cna who doesn't normally work nights so I just had her answer call lights while I did everything else. What really pisses me off is management makes like 40$ an hour and does basically nothing and I make 15$ an hour and do everything. And they're not even really pushing to hire anyone... I mean they have openings posted but they always do and when someone tried to apply they said they weren't hiring because the census (number of residents) was low... wtf... And now they're talking about mandating (forcing people to stay beyond their normal shift or they lose their job) I'm exhausted, my back hurts, my feet hurt. It makes me sad and angry the way we treat our elderly. We under pay and don't appreciate the people who do the hands on day to day care. We are treated like the lowest of the low when really where would they be without us? Nursing homes charge a small fortune to insurance companies for these people to be cared for but the staff is so overworked and burnt out that a lot of them don't even really care anymore. These pictures are literally me right now... lol. Thank God I have the next two nights off... And I love my job, I really do.
  12. Tika

    Wrong time

    That is the best compliment ever! . And I think you're absolutely beautiful as you are. Thank you @Timberwolf I agree that curves on a woman are beautiful, I'm much more drawn to curvy women myself (I'm just harder on me lol. And thank you
  13. Tika


  14. Sticky
  15. I love that we're getting the story from both of you. I love you guys @Squarepeg & @Songmistress
  16. Tika

    So tired

    Thank you guys I'll definitely try
  17. Spiders
  18. Tika


  19. Tika

    Amusing Pictures

  20. Friday the 13th?  Check.  Super short staffed at work tonight?  Check.  (Me and 1 nurse for 66 residents for part of the night tonight and just me, 1 other cna and 1 nurse the rest of the night)  3 hours or less of sleep?  Check.  All the caffeine?  Check.  Good to go lol


    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. MaleConfessor


      As personal as you want...

    3. Tika


      I was told I'm in the wrong profession by a little old guy when I gave him a back rub last night lol

    4. MaleConfessor
  21. Viral
  22. Tika


  23. Scared
  24. Booty
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