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Everything posted by PyroCJ

  1. Anxiety
  2. PyroCJ


  3. Iced tea
  4. After 3 months of throwing up, in and out of the hospital, then severe depression and in the psyc ward for a month, then staying in the city to take courses for anxiety (recommended by psychologist) lasted 2 weeks of a 6 week course, didnt find it helpful. I am finally home sweet home and things are getting back to normal. Life has been hard.
  5. Fruits Basket volume 15 The Time Paradox (Artemis Fowl #6) by Eoin Colfer
  6. Excitement
  7. Sims 4, doing the 100 baby challenge
  8. PyroCJ


  9. Pizza!
  10. Thank you for the shlthoughts and wished. I am back in hospital. The pancreas got mad and puffed up
  11. Need more well wishes. Gslstine removal.is usqpynin and out imnstikknhrrenbcaese tþhy wknt Oleg me to leave. No llke Wow, the above is apparently a saved draft of me trying to update and failing. They removed my gallbladder Monday, let me out on Wednesday. I'm in a lot of pain still bur have moments of coherence.
  12. Thank you Samantha at the hospital for taking care of me overnight. Not getting frustrated at my not sleeping, and taking my word for my veins being stupid to find when dehydrated, taking a look to see if there was a good one and instead of trying possibly more than once getting a more experienced nurse who had a good track record to come down and put the IV in. Thank you nurse who put the IV n for only jabbing me once, even though it took much pain and time to reposition it to get it to work. And for getting it in my hand, rather than down the arm.
  13. Booo
  14. I hate this. Currently in the hospital, again.. for the same thing as I was in for 2-3 times in March. Gallstone attacks, much pain in the chest area, this time including a bunch of vomiting. The doctor at the er last time said to only come back if it lasts more than 6 hours, or I'm jaundiced or the pain is worse ( not sure it could be much worse than last time.. seeing as I blacked out) But it's been more than 6 hours plus all the puke so chris forced me. We already plan to get the gallbladder removed. I've already seen a surgeon, but he is booking into fall. I dont have a date or anything. I am worried, I was told the gallbladder can get infected if a stone blocks the tube too long. If the pain doesn't stop I may need emergency surgery and the risks are worse. I'm just rambling and whining, I'm on morphine right this second but the pain is still not great... Send me good thoughts/ prayers? I have a phobia of needles so I'm just having a great time with all this
  15. I hate this. Currently in the hospital, again.. for the same thing as I was in for 2-3 times in March. Gallstone attacks, much pain in the chest area, this time including a bunch of vomiting. The doctor at the er last time said to only come back if it lasts more than 6 hours, or I'm jaundiced or the pain is worse ( not sure it could be much worse than last time.. seeing as I blacked out) But it's been more than 6 hours plus all the puke so chris forced me. We already plan to get the gallbladder removed. I've already seen a surgeon, but he is booking into fall. I dont have a date or anything. I am worried, I was told the gallbladder can get infected if a stone blocks the tube too long. If the pain doesn't stop I may need emergency surgery and the risks are worse. I'm just rambling and whining, I'm on morphine right this second but the pain is still not great... Send me good thoughts/ prayers? I have a phobia of needles so I'm just having a great time with all this
  16. We had leftover cabbage roll casserole I make it in the slower and I make a lot, we had it for 3 days, 2 of those days just a bowl of it with nothing else. Today Chris cooked up some perogies and sausage to go with it.
  17. Bug
  18. Moist
  19. PyroCJ


  20. ooh fire! *stares* Thank you for the Birthday wishes
  21. Meow? @Timberwolf
  22. Hex and the single girl - Valerie Frankel
  23. Avengers Endgame - Theaters Wreck It Ralph Breaks the internet - Home
  24. Avengers: Infinity War
  25. Telling the Chair and the HR department of the convention I volunteer for that I will not be continuing doing social media things for the con. I cant handle social media emotionally, it seems like every time I turn around there is some sort of online blow up or people being mean to each other. I am also not good at writing all of the posts and often leave it to Chris to figure out the wording (I gather/make the photo, link and choose when it will be going up, and I give him the info he figures out how best to word it for the post). All of this year I was not actually on the staff list as the social media coordinator because I had told them to hire someone else, yet they did not. I worry about just dropping away from the job as I dont know who will pick it up, social media isnt something the convention can just shut down until they find someone for it, but if I continue doing the job, they have no incentive to hire someone else. Oh and I am not dropping out of the con altogether, I have another position that I officially had on the staff list, I was just doing 2 jobs... 3 actually but the 3rd was split up between a few people so it wasnt so bad. Also realizing that my second to last post in here was about bringing our sweet Queenie/Nathalie to a new foster... about a month or 2 after that she died, something burst inside her and they couldnt fix it.. I have many regretsregarding her and I miss her a bunch.. excuse me while i go try to wrangle a kitten to cuddle (torment) to make myself feel better.
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