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Everything posted by PyroCJ

  1. With this ring by Patricia Kay
  2. I Dressed in a Pikachu Kigu and gave out candy, but we only had 8 kids. weekend before a gaming group I am in played some board games and had a magic draft. I dressed as Chef Cat and Chris just wore cat ears. However the cat ears are neurowear cat ears and move with brainwaves lol. So they are neat.
  3. PyroCJ


  4. PyroCJ


  5. You should try maple syrup on your pizza, the real stuff, you'll see
  6. Gut Feeling by Victoria Browne
  7. PyroCJ


  8. Eat
  9. Music
  10. Quickly go through the rest of October. momma and 5 babies, just with us overnight. Their owner got sick and needed to rehome. Tigar/Tiggar was posted on a buy and sell. Lost his mom at 2 weeks, fed cow's milk. Has a suckling habit, super duper cute.. I miss him (orange one) Ciel, Dumped in the area with the feral colony here. Last I called Sebby, he was found with Ciel but was much bigger so didn't stay with us long, he was ready for vetting, Ciel was too little.
  11. PyroCJ

    Amusing Pictures

  12. I love pineapple on pizza? You know what else is actually pretty good on pizza? Maple syrup Oh and Broccoli put all the things on pizza! MWAHAHAHAHA
  13. Just finished Split Second by Douglas E Richards Havnt chosen next book yet.
  14. Winning Zombicide with all players still alive! Hey, that is difficult I hear, though I've only played it twice and survived both. Surprised I survived this one, I got stuck in the same area as 2 players who kept taunting the zombies into my square. Also this wasn't just today but a week ago we got a very scared pregnant cat into our home, at first she was pretty scared of us but if I managed to kinda corner her and start petting her she would settle down and come closer to pets and she would rub against us, yet as soon as i left the room when I would return she would be right back to terrified. however as of yesterday she does tend to run away when I enter the room but I just have to bend down and talk to her and she will now come running over for affection. so feeling a bit proud of my progress. Go me. This kitty was taken off the street, seems like it's been out there awhile. The person who contacted me feeds the feral colony near her house and she's one of her regulars.
  15. Nuts
  16. *pauses and looks back* that was supposed to cause chaos, you weren't supposed to like it! *Sits in a corner and pouts, here and there adding little pops of explosions in the flames*
  17. What about how to keep this pretty red as my default so I don't always have to change the color? And we need a tongue out reaction
  18. PyroCJ


  19. Yummy!
  20. Hajime and Hifumi. Only had them about a week before they moved on from Oct 5 - 12 they were born and raised inside but their owner was giving them away to farm homes, I was too late to get their 3 siblings
  21. PyroCJ


    What about yahoo?
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