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Everything posted by PyroCJ

  1. Math (eeww)
  2. PyroCJ


  3. Aw, you remember me? ^^ Woooo TV and cats, Party Hardy. Should of waited until tomorrow, we have a haloween party. Board games and booze Is excited for Halloween!
  4. Graduating - Amanda M Lee
  5. I am so happy your kitty came home! Yay! so that made me happy, but also the birth my my newest nephew on @Reddragon side of the family. I am now an aunt of technically 11 though I only see 6 now 7
  6. Gobledygook missed me
  7. PyroCJ


    What do you think? (Sorry can't figure out how to make text smaller on mobile, don't worry you are not alone in not drinking enough water, I think most people dont, myself more than included lol)
  8. It is a lot of fun to foster, it's heartbreaking, heartwarming, it's the best feeling when you nurse one back to health, it's an absolutely amazing feeling when a feral kitten comes to you for love. Also, when you foster you can always have kittens terrorizing your home lol The next kitten we only had for a few hours, came to us October first. I was contacted about I kitten found outside, it had diarrhea, was super skinny, had very little energy, and had sort of a green discharge from its bum. the person who took it in had other animals and said she was not going to hold.it for long and was going to put it back outside because she didn't want her animals to get sick, she did have it in her bathroom away from the other animals. We didn't name it but Chris called it slimer. not a feral kitten, it very much wanted human affection. The kitten is now mostly healthy with a different foster home.
  9. Writing
  10. PyroCJ


  11. PyroCJ

    Amusing Pictures

  12. I have a problem lol I watch more historical dramas though to change it up here and there I do watch some more modern time ones. I just finished Hwang Jin Yi.. which is historical.. about gisaeng I also watch Thai, japanese and chinese drama's. the one before jin yi was the empress of china
  13. Almost midnight and i should be in bed, so off I go from my posting spree today. Goodnight everyone. *changes into her tiny black kitten form, hops up onto the pile of sleepers, kneads the body she ends up on and curls up to sleep*
  14. *sets everything aflame* not anymore!! *runs away giggling*
  15. A less than palm sized tiny black kitten with violet eyes watches the situation from the very top of the nearest unoccupied tree. Crouched low, camouflaged by the shadows.
  16. Reading
  17. PyroCJ


  18. PyroCJ


  19. Snuggles
  20. The kittens on my chest, and wonder woman, but the cute is distracting
  21. PyroCJ


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