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Everything posted by PyroCJ

  1. smokie and hotdogs The smell of smoke outside made me crave campfire foods. BC is on fire
  2. baby
  3. PyroCJ


  4. Fish
  5. PyroCJ


  6. Let the Eastern Bastards Freeze in the Dark: The West VS the rest since Confederation by Mary Janigan
  7. PyroCJ


  8. Infinity Born - Douglas E Richards
  9. Who has it? I want to play with you! 7564 2177 441
  10. So Many pretty photos!
  11. Paradise
  12. Treasure
  13. PyroCJ


  14. My grandma is in the hospital, again. it seems like she spends more time in than out these days. this time its pneumonia, she just got over another infection and thrush (which made her lose way too much weight) She has been staying with my aunt for a bit to be closer to the big city hospital. Today my cousin (daughter of the same aunt that has been taking care of my grandma) is in the hospital, she is very sick... very very sick. shes in quarantine because it may be meningitis. and yesterday my possibly pregnant foster cat threw up worms, we cant deworm her because if she is preggers the dewormer could hurt the kittens. Also though she has been confined to her own room im worried about our cats getting worms too. All in all this just hasnt been a great week. I am feeling emotional and Anxious. I am worried my grandma wont get over this, I am worried about my cousin, if it is meningitis she could die or have a multitude of issues to plauge her for the rest of her life. I am worried that the worms in the preggers cat my hurt her or the babies, Ive never fostered or had a pregnant cat before, i am woefully unprepared. To top it all off my mom had me buy something off one of those buy and sells on facebook and she will be having to come pick it up at some point, which means i really should be making the house look company ready (and i dont get along much with my mom) but i cant seem to get up the get up and go to actually do anything
  15. Read neither present time by Caren J Werlinger almost done Hide and Seek by P.S Brown
  16. Adorable Adorable Sneks https://www.boredpanda.com/cute-snake-pictures/?page_numb=1&utm_source=facebook&utm_medium=link&utm_campaign=liquidsocial&utm_content=9bVg
  17. Bone Baby by Diane M Dickinson just finished, starting: the game you played b y Anni Taylor
  18. I have none of those, does that make me old too? but.. but.. I was the FE baby and I never passed on my title!
  19. I do love their hats, and i could go for a parrot Likes kitties
  20. Jail
  21. PyroCJ


    Isnt Yoo- hoo a drink?
  22. PyroCJ


  23. The seven steps to closure by Donna Joy Usher
  24. Here is a couple of videos, first was made by the makers of the product so there are some differences i feel, like where the heck is the forhead sensor on hers lol, but its cute. Another is a video of a youtuber trying them out, so they look more like mine. I cant wear mine very long, ive got sensitivities and it hurts to have the ear sensor on for very long at all. It was funny though when i was trying them out I was trying to relax and have them go to the relax position whenever I felt/heard them going down i would get excited and they would pop right back up. Some people think they just move randomly and not with the brainwaves but I think they do move with brainwaves. You should see them on chris when hes playing a game, they get confused, they keep turning to the relaxed position, then pop up, twitch, go back to relaxed, pop back up. its hilarious. Bonus videos, they have a tail too and a tail hat lol http://www.neurowear.com/projects_detail/shippo.html
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