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Everything posted by Rapture

  1. Wow I remember that banner. I think it changed just after I joined.
  2. *High fives* Rock on. Me to. Always a sci fi fan tho
  3. "To find peace within.." Never mind that's corny even for me.
  4. *Appears behind Aliea and drops snow down the back of her clothes* What a lovely dinner.
  5. Rapture

    RP forum

    Hey your recognized me? Awesome. *hugs back*
  6. Ok well here goes. The rant of before saved and brought forth. Please don't hate me. I don't know if this is something I should comment on. I'm not American I'm Canadian, so it may be inappropriate to comment but if I may.... [spoiler='My Opinion.'] In Canada we as a whole don't take things like flags or anthems as seriously as our southern neighbours do. It's not that they're considered unimportant, just that a focus of external national pride isn't as strong. I hope this little blurb helps to explain the following. 1. How do I feel about his cause? Honestly the fact that racial discrimination still exists has always seemed ridiculous. All humans are human beings. Colour or origin is irrelevent. Brining attention to it is important because we should be living in an age where such things are considered as such. 2. How do I feel about him and others kneeling? I hope this doesn't offend but...i love it. It's a radical idea that draws focus in a peaceful way that many people who would have ignored Twitter or public speaking or other such peaceful forms of protest are sort of forced to notice. What he did and what others are doing is garnering an attention that rivals and in some ways out performs any other way. And it's honestly impressive. That he did it during the national anthem resonates more with me. The action of taking a knee is an old one. Usually associated with seeking guidance or owing fealty. To me it's as if he is reaffirming his belief in what the United States was founded on. Freedom and equality. Two ideals that sadly lacking at the moment. I'm willing to admit I'm wrong but this is how I see it. People have made speeches and videos. Now we see someone taking a completely non verbal and peaceful protest and getting stunning amounts of attention. I hope it serves the cause well.
  7. That was basically a big chunk of what I was scared of posting. @hirondelle
  8. Working on it. Needs to stop slobbering.
  9. Unfortunately that's how the media works. What I'm watching is how it's spread like wildfire and how every time Trump opens his mouth it gets worse.
  10. Rapture

    RP forum

    Maybe as a sub forum? Pretty please? I learned a lot playing with people like Keth, lightningfall and aliea playing formal rps. Even if my attention span wasn't up to it at the time
  11. Still uses a badass display picture
  12. *Wishes they had been smart enough to stay out Miami.*I'm melting melting! Is the prettiest princess in all the land
  13. Infamous second son. Xcom 2 Pokemon moon, and final fantasy 9 remaster (ps4) oh and elite dangerous also ps4
  14. One more time - Daft Punk
  15. Personally I'm more star wars then trek for little nitpicky reasons but I did enjoy TNG, DS9 till it was all Sisko this Sisko that, and BOY was great. Never watched enterprise yet but I did enjoy some of the original movies (2, 3, and 4 I think. The one with the whales). But I love the new movies.
  16. Personally I do. I even stop and stand to attention. But. By contrast what he did and why he did it doesn't bother me.
  17. I don't know if this is something I should comment on. I'm not American I'm Canadian, so it may be inappropriate to comment but if I got two thirds through before I couldn't risk the fight that would follow.
  18. Dear gods the face why is always the face?! *struggles free and finds towel* slobberhound
  19. Rapture

    RP forum

    Count me in. Some of the best players I've ever seen are here.
  20. Rapture/Raith chaos on demand at your service.
  21. *Rises from the shadows behind the goddess' chair.* Looks like the cores starting to come back.
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