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Everything posted by Rapture

  1. Rapture


    Are you sure you knew? I wasn't exactly liberal with personal details on the past. Timber and Hiro know all cause the have me on Facebook.
  2. Bed time. Time for all dark things to rest from the light. Later all.
  3. "I suppose. Gives me a working theory for why the split happened at least." He moves from the shadow to get a better look at the woman Liea was watching over, the shade seaming weaker for his departure.
  4. And my time to sleep see you after
  5. Morning Kethlia. Coffee? Tea?
  6. "For lack of a better explanation, fate. My destination was elsewhere." The place where his heart should be pulsed faintly for a moment. "Very much elsewhere. Something drew me far off course."
  7. Whoops @Timberwolf um think I broke your wife pal
  8. Now was that so hard @hirondelle
  9. "My name is En Rapture de Nocturnas at your service. Yours and your other half's, an apology of sorts." As he bows his body language is formal, a familiarity with royalty and military decorum evident. "Its not really my name but I've never met anyone who can pronounce It, even I can't and it's my name."
  10. Bahaha! Oh wow. Irony. Perfect world right?
  11. The skeleton grips it's skull as if pained. "Halves? Separate? No that can be right. No no I am one. I am he." The skeleton begins to mutter incoherently. "You must be mistaken or....or lying.... I....there must be way to.....oh!" The skeleton stops. Sounding rather pleased before shattering, self destructed. Silence reigns for a moment before a voice clears it's throat "My deepest apologies your ladyship. I'm not entirely sure what happened there." As the voice speaks an obsidian life size puppet appears, and begins filling with darkness. "Its rather embarrassing to be honest. That's never happened before." The darkness forms a body, the puppets head reshaping to take the form needed. His face handsome and blemish free, his hair messy but well kept. The puppet pieces forging his clothes. A curious combination of the two goddesses outfits. Tight black pants and boots, trimmed in a soft white, and a smooth white tunic, accented in black with a tribal design on the back representing the two. "Mmm not normally my style but I like it." He looks at the ebon skin of his hands and meets Liea's gaze with his own violet eyes.
  12. Bondage and lingerie chic eh? I meant more among the common folk but I can roll with it @Aliea
  13. Sorry phone hates me.
  14. As he is about to use one of many smart alecked responses he paused. The laws of his kind reminding him she had asked politely and manners where manners. While there was little punishment to breaking so minor a law it would allow his siblings the hold they needed to summon him home and back to work. "It can't really be pronounced. But most of the mortal races, and some of the immortal ones as well. Call me Rapture. Rapture Nocturnas." As he speaks his name a black star travels under his skin. From behind his eye and down to his collar before vanishing. Invisible to the man himself but visible to Thorn and may be to their new friend.
  15. @Aliea what is normal attire for the palace? Blame my phone @Aliea it doesn't like me
  16. "Whoops." "Oh dear god what now."
  17. "I'm afraid I don't know. I'm not a healer. I can enhance, make flesh and bone more durable. Muscle stronger. I can even magnify energy. So a drop in the bucket becomes a tsunami if you'll excuse the expression. But never heal. I wanted to learn. But not many are willing to teach." The skeleton crosses it's arms. "As to your request I'm bot sure how to. I think I meant to arrive here.....at least I hope so. I can't think to well without my brain."
  18. Rapture


    EDMONTON!!!!! But yeah we had a pretty good season last year eh?
  19. My sister is obsessed and has forced me to watch a few. Then I watched a few episodes with her. I'm by no means up to date on any but I've seen some episodes
  20. Rapture


    Let's be honest here. It was gonna happened eventually it might as well be you Soulie.
  21. Yay for imperfections i always say.
  22. The left half was bound Aliea's shadow as the right was to Liea's. Indeed though separated both halves continued to move as if together, as if the individual himself was unaware of being split, indeedpf anything being wrong except only being a skeleton from the waist up. "She doesn't look so well." The left half pointed at a woman that wasn't with Aliea, as the right half did the same but to man that was there. "And neither does he. You should do something about that."
  23. Ah ha! I knew you were a god
  24. I was surprised how good that was. I've only watched a few episodes but damn.
  25. Rapture


    Way to go Soulie. Well done
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