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Everything posted by Rapture

  1. As ever our dear squirrel lady shows her talent with words and wisdom.
  2. Rapture

    Who's Online

    @hirondelle I prefer the term "protective overwatch"
  3. @Moonhawk that. That is it exactly
  4. Hey now. I don't remember there being gentlemen here. Pervs definitely. But no gentlemen. Maybe some ladies? *pictures Timber and moon and Fall in dresses* For now though how about some sun? *generates a small sun between his hands drying all and saving everyone from wet timber smell*
  5. Holy shit he died? End of an era.
  6. Rapture

    Who's Online

    Nefarious reasons?
  7. Meh or outright lame. Dukat anyone?
  8. Rapture


    Heh you got it Ren. First rounds on me.
  9. @Moonhawk hey moon why do you have Matrix twice?
  10. Rapture


    Hey you said Toronto and Quebec. Ontario is literally right beside Quebec. Had to make sure lol
  11. Rapture


    Alberta. Land of oil and woodlands. Way west of Toronto. Fun fact Mounties are our FBI
  12. I'll be honest Ren we coulda had hours of discussion about it and I still mighra forgotten
  13. Rapture


    Now I have friends on all sides of this trans straight gay etc. I am not transphobic and actually wish most trans people success in their lives and journey to happiness. That being said... The gender debate is ridiculous and confuses the crap out of me. Especially since no one wants to "label" it. Labels aren't for you. Their for the next person who doesn't know. The chemist doesn't label the bottle of sulfuric acid because he forgets what it is. He labels it so the next idiot doesn't drink it. Seriously. Clearly defining something isn't a bad thing and "I don't know" is an acceptable answer. At the beginning of the year i had 5 friends stuggling with their gender indentity. Through counseling and time two of them have figured out. One is beginning transition the other isn't. Now for a thing that bothers me. The LGBTw/etFotherletters has always been vocal, deconstructing gender roles and whatnot. Trans people are making it worse. I've seen them actively harass parents for raising their kid male or female. Naturally these are outliers which do not represent the community as a whole but the fact is it's happening. I'm sorry if I have a girl I'm going to raise her a girl/tomboy and I have a boy. Bingo I know the things. *This would be where fate steps in kicks Rapture in the nuts and leave him with a baby girl he has no clue what to do with and spend 5 mins poking it, gently, with a stick* Back on topic: The gender debate is confusing and ridiculous. And while trans people want acceptance from the CIS gendered, they don't seem to be willing to make concessions to help them understand and accept. I.e. -LABELS!! I'm always willing to admit my wrong if someone explains things to me. That's all I want from the world. To under stand. On a side note gender roles in toys. Barbies or space marines for boys and girls? Wanna know what's best for both? BARBIES IN POWER ARMOUR!!! Yeah I went there
  14. Triple D? I'm all for pot legalization. If governments where willing to legalize and spend the money to develop they'd make money hand over fist. That applies to a bunch of other drugs and even prostitution but that's an argument for another time.
  15. It was a good movie.....just not a good wonder woman movie.
  16. @hirondelle There display picture. Happy?

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Rapture


      Eww goddess slobber. 

    3. fox


      Ooooh. I am. Good choice!

    4. Rapture


      Heh thanks Fox

  17. I don't know about that I have nerve damage in my hand when I hold a pen or pencil my fine motor control goes to shit
  18. 1) Star Wars 2) Kingsmen 1 haven't seen two yet 3)LoTR/Hobbit 4)Jurassic Park 5) New Star Trek 6)Boondock Saints 7) dragonheart 8) out lander 9) dc movies (not superman returns) 10) Marvel movies
  19. I will give you this Ren. It's boring. Because the station is stationary it's basically 65-75% filler bs. But there are bits that make it worth it. At least to me.
  20. @Phoenix la gasp the scandal! If be into it but it's have to be over email. I doubt anyone could read my writing.
  21. Feel invincible - skillet
  22. I tried playing SWTOR but mmos annoy me. It seemed pretty well out together though.
  23. I do try. Is prone to mayhem
  24. Is a star trek nerd
  25. Rapture


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