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Everything posted by Rapture

  1. Head
  2. Rapture


    *puls out own paper and scribbles down* come visit I will show you and the other northlander Canadian hospitality at its craziest. Beer bacon and poutine
  3. The part I enjoyed about ds9 was the dominion war. Starfleet FINALLY pulled their collective heads from asses and built warships. The Defiant-class is one of the best star trek designs and one of the few that doesn't make me cringe.
  4. Rapture


    I'm not sure if gave the guts to make the trip but if definitely welcome with open arms and cold drinks
  5. "There isn't much to tell, daily life was boring. So I left. Ended up here. It's amazing where one ends up when one wanders without a destination in mind." He smirked as he took a seat before the bar. "As for the drink. Surprise me."
  6. Soooooo booooooored

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Rapture


      I hate you all...

    3. Timberwolf


      You may hate us, but you love us as well.  :devil-laugh:

    4. Rapture


      Lies Lies and falsehoods!

  7. *hides behind the girls to escape moons snow.*
  8. Rapture


  9. Is still the prettiest princess
  10. At your command my princess! *brave knightly nonsense* Has a tendency towards river dancing at random
  11. Locks
  12. I'm in
  13. Rapture


    Isn't that a bit of a short trip? You do spend time with me and Fall after all.
  14. A bright wing rises from one l sisters shadow, as it's matching black one rises from the others, they are still for a moment before both are joined by half a struggling skeleton. Each half of the skeleton, only half out of the shadow, looks up at the goddess before it. "Now that's not right. Unless you are very tall. If so bravo."
  15. "Thank you." The young man nods his head politrly as he steps through the door. A hand brushing his short messy hair out of his eyes. As he steps into the light his details become apparent. He is dressed in a 3 piece suit of fine make, black with a dark violet waistcoat underneath and a crimson shirt beneath that. His skin was as dark as the void between stars, though occasionally light flowed just below the skin. A ready smile lit his handsome face and reaches his violet eyes, eyes who's pupils constantly changed shape as he looked around. Approaching the bar he turns his smile to the bartender. "How much for a drink and a hot meal?"
  16. So tempted to start with a screw up.... Screw it. This should be fun
  17. I've basically put together a world. But getting it on paper is hard. The motivation to write is fickle. Actually Aliea and Fall have played in this world before. As it almost invaded other rp world's
  18. Rapture


    I desperately want to go back to school. But finances and general lack of knowledge about how to is a staggering hindrance.
  19. For the gamer: Spread some light - JT Machinima
  20. *pours mirbiggs a drink* Welcome to the party
  21. Covered me in snow. @hirondelleWorking on it. The forum doesn't wanna mesh with my phone memory so I can't upload my pictures.
  22. and *brushes snow off his face* Thanks moon I needed a shower
  23. Because i can. Harry potter 1 Rhapsody And star wars xwing rouge squadron
  24. Wasn't worried about starting a fight with you Wolf. But you're not the only American.
  25. I know way too much about the EU. Made Disney's non-canoning extra painful.
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