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Everything posted by Aliea

  1. Has yet to set up my IV of coffee
  2. Aliea


    37 and how do you do them in colour???
  3. Aliea

    Self Harm

    One of the more serious sides of mental health that people avoid to talk about. So, I self harm, At least once a week normally more so on a bad week. Small deep cuts that I let bleed. It's hard for self harmers to talk about it simply because of the stigma that people put on it. They think you are seeking attention and that you are stupid for doing it. They don't understand the release that comes from doing it, the quietness that descended, the wall that builds up blocking out all the hateful words running through your mind. The also don't get that it is a physical manifistation of the cuts and scars that are covering your broken mind. So, I'm a self harmer, I am suicidal but I am still here and still fighting and that is all I can ask for right now.
  4. I have server depression and anxiety. I'm also a self harmer.
  5. As in Chris @hirondellex
  6. Hehe *tries evil laugh and fails* oh well. *finds @Kethlia, dries her off and cuddles to warm her up.* better?
  7. *tackles @Kethlia and licks* boo! *stuffs snowball down her top*
  8. Aliea


    *hugs @foxhard* I have missed youbso much and if I wasn't sat in my car waiting to tale my little boy to school I would be crying my eyes out. Thank you so much for your words, you have always been and will always be a great friend! One of my main triggers this year has been loneliness. I have my family and work but I do not have friends, friends that I feel like I can turn to and open up to. But now my home is back, I have my friends back and as soon as @hirondelletold me this was back I jumped at the chance to finally come back when I have missed it so much more than in could ever put into words. So thank you my family, my true friends you all mean the world to me x x
  9. Aliea


    Now that would been fun!
  10. I'm sure @hirondellewill say you are good for a lot of things. Making people smile is just one of the best things about you
  11. Don't you just love children's programs in the morning *hits head against a wall*

    1. Timberwolf


      LMAO, I used to have that. xD 

    2. fox


      PAW Patrol! B|

  12. Oh I have missed you lovely, You have always been able to make me smile
  13. one???? What is this one cup you speak off? More like 4 a day, much better
  14. At it is always nice to lick you @Timberwolf
  15. Nah, I'm just a coffee addict
  16. *pounced @Timberwolf smoothers in licks.* morning!!!!! "Bounces off*
  17. They are fun to do. I have stopped for a bit, but that is because for some reason I really wanted to do something Christmas themed. Now have a Christmas colouring book so will probably be doing that today Also just thought really need a Halloween one!
  18. Aliea


    Look at our family all back where they belong. So good to see so many familiar names
  19. @RenI need that IV you mentioned, STAT!!!!!
  20. Coffee!!!!!!!! Also good morning
  21. Good night you two. Sweet dreams x x
  22. Aliea


    Now I'm going to be imagining that for the rest of the day!
  23. Boring *grabs @KethliaAnd cleans her off.* What should we do with him???
  24. Oh you...*turns and hugs @Lightningfallgetting the soggy mess all over him as well.* Ha!
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