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Everything posted by Aliea

  1. Good night sweetheart well it's time to go. I hate to leave you but I really must go, so goodnight sweetheart goodnight x x
  2. It is modern day warfare. We have no control over it, they strike where ever they wish when ever they wish and with what ever they have at their disposal. We live in a world were the only way we can fight is to live, to show them we are not afraid otherwise they win x
  3. Walking around naked cleaning while waiting for bath to run, joys of having the house to yourself :angel:

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. Kethlia


      How could it not? A beauty doing her own thing and enjoying the hell out of it. Forgive us if we don't say a thing the image is breath taking.

    3. Aliea


      Thanks @Kethlia you know how to make a girl blush x 

    4. Moonhawk


      ~grabs a chair and some popcorn and watches~

  4. As he spoke Aliea frowned. "What is happening to you?" She asked concern in her voice.
  5. Aliea

    Charity work

    well done you! I went to one on Friday. It was my sons Harvest festival and they added the MacMillan coffee morning in with it. I gave a bit so that made me happy Also those cakes look awsome!
  6. aww....night hun xx
  7. Listening to him she sighed, what was going on? Why were all these people showing up seeming not to know who they were or where they were, it was becoming frustrating. *Aliea, another has arrived.* *Does he know who he is?* "You are on my world, this is the Palace, my home. And you are?"
  8. Upon seeing Hiro, he knew what was need and headed straight to the bathroom leaving the two women alone. As he ran a hot bath he let his eyes close, Hiro was in a way his queen, she rules the underworld, had control over demons and so part of him belonged to her. But there was something off with her, something was missing, he just didn't know what. Once the bath was done he walked back to the room. "I've ran you a bath my lady." He bowed slightly. "As for clothing, I am sure Liea will allow you to wear what ever you wish from her personal collection." He watched Alana as she moved to a wardrobe and opened it up to show a collection of clothing. "She has everything in here." Pulling out a dress in a midnight blue colour trimmed in silver she smiled. "This would look amazing on you." Watching her sister leave she went to talk to the woman when something caught her attention. Another had arrived. "Selena, look after our guest a moment, I shall return." As she stood she looked up at Rapture. She needed to make sure he was okay, but this newcomer felt unlike anything she had felt before. Walking towards the gates she opened them with a thought then stopped at seeing the hooded figure. "Welcome."
  9. Yes, Yes it does
  10. No idea why i put wasn't it should have been was hehe
  11. Of course it wasn't @Lightningfall
  12. Aliea

    Self Harm

    @Tika you sound exactly like me when I just know what the day is going to be like and no amount of talking or distraction helps. However, I will give you an option to talk to someone who knows what it is like. I will PM u my details and you can either call me or facebook msg me or snap chat or just talk on here. Our circumstances may be different but from what I have read our reactions are the same and I feel it's good to talk to someone who completely gets it. Take care lovely and no pressure what so ever I am just opening that door for you x x
  13. Oh I knew you would rise to the challenge @Lightningfall
  14. This is true... now prove me wrong @Lightningfall Now I'm off to bed. Night x
  15. Goodnight Neverland.... I mean Northlands...yeah Northlands. Goodnight x x
  16. @Spyderto me that sounds like you suffer from SAD (Seasonal affective disorder). It is what I normally suffer with but it is something I can work through, just this year not so much. Have you ever heard of Light boxes?They apparently help though i have never used one.
  17. You better @Lightningfall
  18. Feeling the change in Hawk as he took her hand she closed her eyes and allowed him to feel what her own powers felt like. The light was strong in her, it was vast, unending reaching out to a million worlds, to billion lives. She had built so much in her time, had given life to so many that it sustained her in a way nothing else could. But then came the darkness, the death and destruction that came with being one with Liea, she who grew from death that lived on pain and the taste of blood. Her darkness was as vast as the light and just as unending. They were two sides of a coin and one can not be with out the other. "You need not feel shame out of what you are. Creation and Chaos saw it fit to have both in equal measure, that is were Liea and I come in, we keep the balance as much as possible." Light wraps around them both once again as she takes him to her tower. Once there she waves a hand cause ever single window to open, the breeze kicking up the white gauze curtains. The sun streamed in adding a soft tone to the harsh white. The ceiling was vast, adding to the grandeur of the room and get the whole thing was simple, with a meditation rug covered in soft cushions in the centre of the floor. "Here is were you will find yourself. None can disturb us while you are here, not even your brother will find you here as long as I stay in these walls."
  19. Goodnight @Timberwolfsweet dreams lovely x x
  20. Seeing his aborted move she frowns but says nothing about it. "Okay, I have a place that will help." Standing she turns to Liea. "Someone is coming." "Shall I stall?" "Please. I shall be in the tower." Liea simply nods and Aliea turns back to Moonhawk. "Come." She holds out her hand again. "I would walk there but if time is of the essence then I shall take you straight there."
  21. Her eyes snap open as Moonhawk speaks. His eyes had changed as had his voice but he was the same. "You need you stop passing out then." She smiles. As he speaks about preparing she lets the smile fall, her eyes becoming serious. "You need more time to heal, your wings will not be so easy to rebuild as the rest of you was."
  22. Waiting for an answer to come Alana turned to give her brother a cheeky grin. The two of them were near enough inseparable, Draven had been there from the beginning, looking after her while their Mothers did their thing, either fighting each other or off fighting for the good of what ever side needed it. She never understood their need to keep balance, after all she was far too much like her father, wild and free and unable to stay still for more than a second. But Draven was calm, he kept her feet on the ground while allowing her the freedom she needed, he also gave her the love she craved. Aliea found it hard to be around her, her looks so much like that of her father that it broke her when she was near. As for Liea, She liked Alana because of her power, after all she could burn a world in a second and so Liea loved that destruction that she held within herself, but she however did not love her the way Aliea did or the way that Draven did. As a voice spoke from the other side of the door she turned to it and opened it slowly. Pausing as noticed the woman standing naked before the mirror she frowned then moving her hand behind just behind her she indicated for Draven to join her. "Hirondelle?" Alana turned to her brother as he said that name. "As in Prophets wife?" She whispered, Draven nodded then stepped into the room but rather than heading to the woman he went to a set of double doors that led to a wash room. "I am sorry for disturbing you, we wanted to know if you needed anything." It was a lie, but the woman was not to know that.
  23. Not right now, today is a pj day and to say I am a state is an understatement Though here have a Snapchat pic from yesterday
  24. Oh it is fun @Timberwolf today Young Sir demanded a caravan so I have made him this hehe
  25. Aliea

    Self Harm

    This is so true. I have had such a hard time making friends in RL yet as soon as @hirondelletold me this place was back i felt like I belonged somewhere again and this is where my friends live As for the constant battle, this is why mental health is so stigmatized, because it is an internal fight and only we see it. All we can do is try to talk about it, to get out as best we can what we are fighting. It is exhausting in so many ways but we keep fighting and that is what counts. We will work together hun and we will come out the other side changed but stronger for everything we have gone through x x
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