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Everything posted by Aliea

  1. Thanks hun x x
  2. Toothache? Childbirth? Kicked in the nuts? Go! Me I would take childbirth over the damn pain I am in right now with toothache!
  3. Glad you had a good day beautiful X x
  4. Happy birthday @Tika! Hope You have a fantastic day! Much love and hugs and kisses x x x x x x ❤
  5. Aliea

    Self Harm

    2 weeks.....wow I'm rather proud of myself 2 weeks and not one cut!
  6. Holiday cut short, boy is ill :( wish I could just make it all better. Miss this place just not had the time to get stuck back in but fear not I shall always be lurking x

    1. fox


      <3 Awh. I'm sorry, honey. That's disappointing. I hope he feels better really soon and that you can find a bit more time for you.

  7. Lurking... I'm on holiday! Will post if I get a free few minutes x   

    1. hirondelle


      I’m on holiday too, thought I would Ben here loads but actually I have been pretty busy.

  8. Right...off to work been fun writing this morning ty @Reddragonand @Moonhawk x x
  9. Regarding Palace. I have no idea yet what is happening I'm just making it up as I go. However this morning while writing with @Moonhawkall I kept thinking was that Social Media was coming to get us! I was laughing at myself as thinking this, but it is kinda true. Social media put an end to boards like this, yet here we all are back to what we really enjoy and connecting to people in a way Social media doesn't allow. Anyways thought it was a cool thought so just wanted to share
  10. "I agree, but I can not see it. I've searched as has Liea and yet what ever is causing this remains hidden. I worry for my world's, though they will do just fine without me, what is to become of them it this thing also targets them?" Sighing she closed her eyes for a moment regaining her composure before looking up and smiling slightly. "I am sure we will get to the bottom of it."
  11. My pregnancy and labour was all midwife led. I only saw a consultant once when they had trouble getting a good scan of Oliver's heart. The fact you can build a bond with the women helping you through your pregnancy I think helps to reassure you and feel able to talk to them about anything, even if you think it is silly. As for your research maybe join the middle England time line with the more modern one. I think they are closely linked and it might be interesting to see the similarities as well as the difference. If you have any questions about my pregnancy and labour feel free to ask anything And good luck x x
  12. "Unfortunately Hiro has no memory of herself, my children are with her right now and she has no idea who they are. After you and all our other guest are settled I hope to help her." She smiles gently. "Another has arrived, a very dear friend of mine. He was the God of Heaven, wether he still is, is yet to be determined. I'll be bring him here shortly, maybe he can help answer some questions and also help with your brother."
  13. "Easy my friend." She quietly ordered as he tried to move. "I don't know why you are here, but people have been arriving disoriented, either not knowing who they are or why they are here. Something is happening I just don't know what yet. What is the last thing you remember?"
  14. Got me hooked x
  15. Liea automatically reached out as he stumbled slightly, her hand coming into contact with his arm. At the touch she froze slightly before lowering her hand. "Come I'll show to a room." She went to turn then stopped, instead she was waited to see if he stumbled again before heading into the palace. "Red?" She asked again before drawing more power from herself and allowing herself to become solid. "Oh Red." As gently as she could she turned him, allowing his head to rest on her lap while she ran her fingers through his hair, her power flowing gently through him, allowing him to heal.
  16. As she waited for Hawk to answer she felt the disruption of another arriving. Turning slightly she looked towards one of the open windows before closing her eyes and sent out a part of herself to see what was happening. Once done she returned her attention back to Hawk. Moving quickly she searched out the newcomer, her search only lasting a few minutes because as she got closer she recognises the feeling of being close to one she knew well. Appearing in the woods next to the fallen man she knelt and reached out. "Red?"
  17. Aliea

    Self Harm

    I want to bleed....dont know why...that's a lie. My scars are healing and starting to fade... God I hate this part of me. Fighting Always fighting One day it will stop. One day I will breath again. One day I shall be who I want to be.
  18. Britain has a red sun today. The ex hurricane has cause Sahara desert sand to be thrown into the atmosphere causing this awesome effect.
  19. Couple of snap chat pics just cause
  20. OMG!!!!! ~Tackles @Reddragon and hugs tight~ You're here!!!!!!! So happy you joined us! Missed you x x
  21. "Of course you may. The palace is a haven after all to any who need It." She felt a slight sense of uneasy she just wished she knew why. "Come, we have rooms aplenty if you simply seek rest or we have places to seek guidance if that is what you wish." "Hiro is a guest here, but she is also family." Standing her eyes narrow as she steps closer to Moonhawk. "Here no one can be harmed, to do so is to break the one rule I uphold more than any." The light in the room intensified a moment, so much so it almost became blinding before she regained herself. "I need you to trust in your safety here just as everyone else does. You are safe Hawk. After all from what you have told me, Hiro is the least of your problems."
  22. ~hugs @hirondelletightly as she walks in~ love you hun. ~Walks to a pod painted blue with lights that cast light on water effect onto the roof of the pod. The mattress is covered in fluffy pillows and blankets. Climbing in I rearrange the pilliows and curl up in a ball pulling a blanket over myself, falls asleep feeling a little happier.~
  23. A sleep pod would be awesome @hirondelle x
  24. I hate that a set back really takes it out of you. I have been so exhausted this week I'm finding it hard to function, I save all my energy for work and so I have nothing for home and I feel like I'm letting everyone down. I don't know what to do and I've been keeping myself isolated when on my own which doesn't help, I've even stayed away from here and yet here is my happy place, here is home but I just can not bring myself to interact with anything or anyone. It's funny the only thing to hold my attention is some stupid styling app I found, it is so silly but it keeps me occupied for a time at least. Anyways I miss everyone just letting you know I haven't disappeared, I lurk when I can
  25. I have been so exhausted this week, something happened at work on Friday and it has taken me so long to recover from it I just don't have the brain capacity to think and it so sucks But like everyone else, I haven't abandoned anything just not in a great place x
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