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Everything posted by Aliea

  1. @Dulcet Serathilion, I'm sure that was what it was called
  2. Opening her eyes as she feels life returning she looks up finding the animals from the near by forest gathering around them both but their eyes were on her alone. Looking down at the man she notices his breathing evening out as well as colour refining to his skin. ~Can you hear me?~ She asks directly.
  3. Turning back to him she looks him up and down before holding his eyes. "The underworld has gone, I am unsure why but I have it's ruler here, we also have a fallen Angel, I do not know if that means Heaven has also fallen. But the palace will always remain, that might be why you came here, here all are welcome."
  4. Lol I was going to write something different but stopped when I got to that point. It was going to be 'Don't even think about coming near me with that thing!'
  5. Liea let herself relax slightly. "You will have to forgive my sister and I, it would seem a lot is going on and we are yet to fully understand it." She looks at the woman Selena was still seeing to, her touch on the woman not as yet reviling anything. "What brings you here?" Her question directed at Rapture even as her eyes travel down the unconscious woman.
  6. Liea raises an eyebrow as the entity breaks apart then holds still as she waits. When the voice sounds she turns to where it came from and watches the being starts to appear once again, this time in a solid form that shifted and changed until it settled and before her stood a man perfectly formed. As the violet eyes found her black silver rimmed ones she tilted her head. "Much better, and you are?"
  7. they were made from Creation and Chaos. of course they are perfect
  8. Better look
  9. lol!!!!!!!!! hehe yeah. You can have him in what ever you want
  10. okay hehe no worries @Rapture as for what to wear. you see my profile pic? that is what my girls are wearing
  11. he was the reason i started RPing. Wish i still had contact with him, he is a great guy x
  12. confused!!!
  13. ~Liea, please deal with him.~ Sighing she turns fully to the being and looks him up and down a moment. "You have arrived in two halves. Where have you come from and what can be done to return you to your full self?"
  14. Liea walked out into the courtyard heading towards Selena and the woman led on the chaise loung. "And what exactly do you think we are doing?" She asks the half skelenton. Reaching Selena she lets her power flow towards the unconsiouise one probing her to find what was wrong. Aliea opened her eyes to look at the being that had appeared with her. "Leave." She orders. Her black rimmed silver eyes narrowing.
  15. Aliea

    Self Harm

    oh i know the risks alright. But in the moment, you dont care and you just have to do it. It is like what @hirondellesaid, it is an addiction, it might not start of that way but that is what it can become. Like i said, i have made a mess of my arm and today it is a reminder of my bad day and now i have to look after it, to help it heal and its sounds so odd but that helps. I finally have something to heal, something that shows the pain. SELF HARMING IS WEIRD! and i am not trying to glam it up or tell people to do it, it is a personal thing and has nothing to do with anyone else. But i feel it needs to be talked about more, just like metal health.
  16. lol yes, Aliea and Liea are neutral gods. Aliea is more towards the light, Liea towards the dark. But they are not undestructable, espicially now that they are single beings.
  17. right so, i have many many charcters espically when it come to the palace. so intros: Aliea, she is my good side, the side that loves and cares, but do not mess with her family or her home. Liea, of Liea, she is my wicked side, she is also the one i love playing the most. At one time she and Aliea were the same person, just two sides of a coin, but when NL last exsisted one became two and now Liea and Aliea are seprate beings. They are both just as protective of their family and their home and together they are a force not to be reckoned with. Selena is the head of the palace house hold. She comes from the ocean, her people are shape shifters and their home is under the sea in a city protected by a bubble of sorts. It is a place not visisted often but it is there. Selena is Aliea's and Liea most trust servant and firend. Draven. He is Aliea's and Liea's eldest child. His father was a demon who was set upon Aliea by her brother Prophet so Draven is half demon half God. He is a quite boy, keeps mostly to himself unless Ko decides to appear once again. Alana is Aliea's and Liea's youngerst child. She is the Daughter of Orden, the god of fire. He had been banished by a being more powerful than him and he has yet to return (would love for Leigh to come back!!!!!) So Alana is a fire god, she is impulsive and she spends most of her time with Draven. So i wont play these charcters all at once, because way too many but they are and if you are intrest to talk to the three sub charcters just let me know. oh and to explain, remember Aliea and Liea where once the same person, this is why the children belong to the both of them. Any questions just ask
  18. Aliea looks up as Liea disappears watching the battle unfold above her. Frowning she leaves the Palace grounds, her eyes never leaving the battle until a single figure falls to the ground, the vibration of the impact felt a heard probably by everyone of the island. As she walks light wraps around her and she appears seconds later next to the fallen man as another fly's above and away just as rain starts to fall. Frowning she lifts a hand, a bubble appearing around herself and the man, who as she got closer, seemed to have wings, or at least on wing. Kneeling she looked over the broken body before leaning forward, placing her finger tips of her left hand too his forehead and those on her right hand to his chest. Closing her eyes she let her power flow into the man, let the light that she held within her find what was hurt and try to heal if she could. Liea watched Hiro as she lost her fight to stay awake, her eyes closing and within minutes she was in a deep sleep. Sighing she stood, gently lifting the light woman into her arms and placing her on the bed. Sitting next to her she gently brushed the womans hair back before placing a kiss to the pale temple. Standing she leaves the room, closing the door quietly behind her before looking down at her shadow then at the being that had appeared. "And you are?" She raises and eyebrow at the being before walking to the large open window that looked down at the courtyard watching as staff rush to a woma that had collapsed. ~Aliea, what is going on?~ ~i Don't know.~ ~Hiro has passed out, she tells me the Underworld is gone. Another has appeared in the courtyard, and i have some entity attached to me.~ ~I am healing, or attempting to heal a fallen angel.~ ~Has Heaven fallen as well?~ ~I am unsure. But they seem to be gathering here, so we shall help.~ ~Of course we shall.~ Looking back at the being that came from her shadow she tried to size it up, to feel it out, but she got nothing from it. "If you wish to talk, then come with me/" With that she turned and made her way down to the courtyard. Selena rushed to the woman as she fell. Kneeling she gently turned the woman onto her back and searched for life. Finding a pulse she turned to her brothers. "Take her to the fountain." She ordered as she stood, making her own way to the fountain where a group of soft plush chairs sat. Pointing to a chaise lounge she directs them to place the woman there while she fills a cup with water. Turning she makes her way to the woman when Liea appears from one of the stair wells.
  19. Aliea

    Self Harm

    You know I do love you guys so much! This is why I need this place, this sense of belonging in a world were most people are 'normal and you are the odd one out. Here I feel 'normal' here is safe and the people here are what make that. I am at the very heart of myself an introvert who would like nothing more than to write all day and (as weird as it sounds) practice magic at night. I've only recently learnt that I'm classed as a neutral witch, someone who will practice alone and who will be more at ease with nature than those that practise in a coven. So yeah, I've learnt a lot about myself this year and hopefully in the coming years I can build on that knowledge and then hopefully depression and anxiety will ease. As for the cutting...well I have made a mess of my arm, again. My main concern now however is that every time I do it, it gets deeper and deeper (I haven't needed hospital treatment so it's not that bad). But the shallow cuts that used to heal in days have now turned into deep ones that are taking weeks to heal. I worry that one day when the need is so strong that I will so some serious damage. It is funny that when my head is clear I can see it for the damage it is and know that I should have been able to work through it but at the time it is the only thing keeping me safe. Sounds funny, that it keeps me safe, but it does. Knowing the blade is in a safe place yet reachable keeps me calm, knowing that I can use it keeps me clam, knowing It is simply in the same room as me keeps me breathing. Yet when I do need it, when it slices through my skin it is better than the alternative because the alternative would be a knife at my wrist, a knife that will cut too deep and cause me to bleed out. So I cut, to keep myself safe. It is such a weird thought process that I don't expect anyone to understand it. But it is how it is and if talking about it makes anyone uncomfortable then I am sorry but I am healing and to heal I need to talk
  20. This is so true and though I have written so many stories numbering at over 200,000 words I find I get a bit stale with my writing and this is when I get the evil writer's block!
  21. Don't even think about coming
  22. @hirondelleI was just wondering how to proceed now I know ty. You all will have to bare with me with regards to my writing. It is not at it's best atm but I am to work on that As for god modding @Kethlia it is hard, but I have learnt to have my Characters have flaws and weaknesses and to stick to them otherwise it does become to easy to just say 'I am a god nothing can stop me!' After even Glory in Buffy had her weaknesses
  23. *Pulls @Kethliaclose even as she dries and snuggles.* Men never change hehe. Good thing we like these ones.
  24. So most of us then Do any of you remember Raven? He was my very lovely ex that I miss a lot, just wanted to know if anyone knew him x
  25. And here I was thinking it was just me. Probably not as bad as you guys seeing as I only work like 2 hours a day at the moment the upside if being off ill, all the internet time in the world!
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