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Everything posted by Aliea

  1. I'm waiting for my Christmas one
  2. You haven't killed palace, I have. But will try to post today x
  3. I hate being touched or hugged when I'm feeling low. I feel like I don't deserve it and it makes my skin crawl. But when the emotions finally break free I just want to be held and loved I understand the need for touch, it really does heal and I wish I could reach through and give you what you need. Much love and mental hugs x x
  4. i know, and i will just a bit brain dead atm x
  5. @foxThey are the worse days, and I would have words of wisdom or comfort but in all honesty I would just love to join you right now with doing Fuck all and sleeping, sleeping would be good right now. We shall get through though and tomorrow is another day. ~hugs tightly~
  6. @Timberwolfapologies if my post in your RPG is too much, she ran away from me, she's new and I already love her. Anyways looking forward to seeing where she takes me x
  7. The sound of a bike woke her it's engine getting louder until it passed her open window, it then started to fade. Stretching out on the bed, her hand brushing the warm body next to her she slowly opened her eyes a small smile on her lips. Turning to her bed fellow the smile increase as she let her eyes run over the smooth naked back until it reached white blonde hair that fell around slim shoulders and covered the owners face. Reaching out she pushed back the blonde hair, waking the woman as she did so. "Time to go beautiful." The woman smiled, snuggling deeper into the pillows but said nothing as she lent forward placing a kiss to the woman's temple before getting up. Picking up her clothing she pulled on the black tank top, pulling her straight black hair free before pulling on the slim fit black jeans. Grabbing her boots she started to pull them on whe a white hand ran over her smooth black skin and lips started to kiss her neck. "When can I see you again?" "You know the rules babe." She answered with a sigh. "Maybe we can meet out of hours, as friends." "Not going to happen babe. Look contact the agency they will arrange the next visit." The woman fell back onto the bed with an annoyed sigh as she pulled on her last boot. Turning she looked down at the beautiful creature before her. "In the table by the front door." The woman answered without looking at her so she turned and headed out of the room. Making her way down the hall she stopped at the small table by the door, opened the draw and pulled free the wad of bills kept together by an elastic band. She ran her finger over the edges before pulling her coat from the hanger on the door pulling it on as she opened the door and stepped out onto the street. Stuffing the money in her pocket she made her way down the street wanting a drink. As she reached the tavern her phone rang, taking it from her pocket she hit the answer button and brought it to her ear. "Vilot?" "Free night Bill." "I'll double it." "No, call me tomorrow." She hung up not waiting for an answer when the sound of an explosion behind her rang out and a smile curved her dark lips.
  9. In good news... 3 days off!!!!!

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. The Coolest Breeze

      The Coolest Breeze

      @Aliea what are you going to do in these 3 days?

    3. Timberwolf


      Now that would be fun to watch!  :boobeyes:

    4. The Coolest Breeze

      The Coolest Breeze

      @Aliea I want to smell your pheromones.

  10. I wonder how many parents are led in bed with there children watching Lion king at 5:47 in the morning. I can not be the only one!

  11. I have no idea what the hell Aliea is on about it just all came out. Lets see where it takes us shall we?
  12. Listening to his story she felt her connection with him grow, he truly was like her. Born as one, separated to two, constantly at war. She and Liea now had peace between them, a vision of what needed to be done to keep the balance and they worked together to hold the fragail balance. After all where there were shadows there had to be light. "Destroying the light will ultimately destroy the dark, as one can not exist without the other, all we can do is hold the balance. But something has happened, something I can not see, it is like the light and dark no longer matter because something else is coming, something we can not fight alone." She frowned at her own words. Looking down at their joined hands she felt the light around them, here it was strong because here was where it was born, but it was dimming and only those truly part of the light would see it. "We need to stop fighting with the dark, they are already affected, made evident by the Goddess Hirondelle being here with no memory of herself and her realm vanished. You can not fight your brother, because we need him, he is still strong with the darkness and we need that. I don't know why, please don't ask me to explain. But something is coming and it will destroy us all if we don't work together." Stepping closer she tried to see Dazen face within the hood of coat. "What will help you remember?"
  13. Another side of depression... anxiety. Now I know you can have both on their own but most ppl with depression also tend to have anxiety. Now this is the problem, depression stops you from wanting to do anything and anxiety can make you so on edge that your body feels like it might explode. To fix depression you need to be active, but anxiety tells you you will fail, or people will laugh or think you are stupid so it stops you from being active because you become so afraid that you will do wrong. Taday I had panic attack at work. I have thought on why this happened and there are two reasons. Reason one, Thursday's are delivery day, on this day I tend to have an hour and a half on my own. This is the first time I have been alone when at work since going back. Reason two, today I was doing what is classed as my main job, I look after the news and mag section, It's a lot of work and a lot of money can go missing if not done right. Again this is the first time doing it since going back, the job I was messing up so badly before I went off ill. So basically i was alone, something my depression loves because it just loves shouting evil things at me. And i was doing a job that caused my anxiety to tell me i was going to mess up so bad that what is the point in even trying. Outcome, twenty minutes of hyperventilating and ugly crying. Not fun. In the end I shouted at myself, I am very glad that our CCTV doesn't have audio hehe. So that happened, but in the end I did my job I didn't mess it up and I laughed at my anxiety! Also ended up having a great day with my wife so despite the shit start it has been a brilliant day. In conclusion I would just like to say one thing: FUCK YOU DEPRESSION AND ANXIETY!
  14. Is a kind beautiful woman x
  15. Yes yes you can @Moonhawkx x
  16. I have decided I like you @Moonhawk you and @Kethlia are great fun
  17. Oh yes @Moonhawk it was a great post i enjoyed reading it And Thanks I am really enjoying myself xx
  18. Good morning ~sips coffee~
  19. I will have to reply to you two later today, early morning shifts are mean but then I have the rest of the day off so that is something x
  20. ~looks at the snow then shivers before snuggling into Moon all the more~They are just jealous.
  21. ~Drapes herself over @Moonhawk~ I liked you naked, I like most people naked
  22. Oh yes you are Wolf. On the 26th right? I am 34 until next month
  23. Aliea

    Self Harm

    So guess what... I got stressed at work, i thought...well It doesn't matter what i thought it could have been all in my head or not, either way it was a thought, a negative one and so.... I hate this
  24. She was getting so frustrated with the people coming here not being able to give a straight answer. "If you don't know what it was you were to deliver how do you know have something?" She rolled her eyes at her own words, she was sounding as crazy as everyone else. "Oh...were you looking for Aliea, my sister?"
  25. Toeing off her shoes she lifted the skirt of her dress slightly as she took his hand and stepped over some of the cushions before lowering herself down onto one across from Moonhawk. Looking up she pushed her hair back so it fell straight down her back, the tips of it brushing the cushions behind her. "Thank you. As for what is happening I am simply concerned, your change is so fast." "Dazen." She repeated his name, but she felt no power behind it as though it was simply a choose name rather than his true one, but she didn't push for anything. "I am Liea. As for being in the right place, I am unable to answer that. But that being said you are here so it is possible you are. What is it you need to deliver?"
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