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Everything posted by Kenai

  1. You have so much love for those cats Pyro. It's something I've always admired about you. It takes a lot of strength to love an animal and then to give them up to their forever home. It probably doesn't help the grief now, I just wanted to say it.
  2. Chelsea AND Chris? We're spoiled! Welcome!.
  3. I'm totally crashing this thread, let me know if I need my own and I'll edit the pic out... BUT OMG PROGRESS sidenote: Please ignore my spawns artwork on the walls.
  4. "I do have to be helpful. Not due to undue pressure, I assure you. It's simply the drive to be vital. Tomorrow I will venture out to the small holding and ascertain how I may best be of use." Alanna paused after her statement. She had been talking in a commanding manner. It was a difficult concept that she wasn't a ruler here. She was free. "With your permission, of course. It is, after all, your realm."
  5. YAY you're here! Welcome home!
  6. Tori Amos little earthquakes. >.>
  7. I was able to go for a walk today!
  8. The darkness makes the light shine all that much brighter. : )
  9. As her fellow lost ate and celebrated merrily, the taste started to come back to the food. Alanna found herself switching from eating mechanically to actually savoring each bite. "Thorn, I have a request of you. I feel uncomfortable not offering any sort of assistance. While my primary skills are rather useless here, surely there must be something I can do to help. I do have minimal experience farming. I think that would be the most helpful, unless you have invading worlds on a rampage."
  10. I'll have to check AVEN out. It's kinda nice not to feel completely alone in this regard. And yeah, I'm really lucky. He must love me. I don't get physically sick like some do, but I would fall very much into the "its meh" category. Its funny that it took me so long to figure out. I read an article about it a couple years ago and then everything made so much more sense. I used to joke that while I physically hit puberty, I never got passed the "Ew boys have cooties" stage.
  11. How long do you prefer your chapters to be? I'm at a point where the breaks I have so far it makes sense to have three chapters, but the word count is lower for the second chapter than I'd like.
  12. Hey there, handsome! Skipping up to the bar, she sits down on a stool, her elbows resting lazily on top of the bar. I"ll have the usual, I think. Can I get a light? Pulls her own pack of cigs out of her pocket, placing one in her mouth in a smooth practiced manner while looking expectantly at Lucien.
  13. No. Place is totally empty. Hops down from the tree she was perched in. Just us ghosts! Smirks at the stranger and swaggers into the tavern, the door slamming shut behind her.
  14. He's on a "like spree" again. I'll take that over the bored nukings.
  15. That was really lousy on your ex husbands part Hiro. Having different sex drives is hard on a relationship. It requires empathy and understanding on both sides.
  16. I think so! I imagine he erm, self cares, a lot.
  17. I can relate to the hair washing. It feels amazing. I'm a sucker for a good head massage. The analogy I used wasn't perfect, but its the closest I've found. Its been a rough road for a bit, as my husband is sexual while I am not. It is rather nice though, to have someone that respects me enough to value me over sex.
  18. I need yelled at. Didn't do any writing today.
  19. I think the simplest way to explain it is a simple demonstration. Take your right hand and stroke your left arm. Note the sensation as dull, nothing you get terribly excited over. Now imagine the rest of the world is telling you that your body is driven wild by lust by that sensation and there is apparently a strong desire for it with most everyone else. It's an oversimplification, but its basically how I feel about sex.
  20. Alanna looked glumly at her food. For a second, chatting with Yui and Bob, she had forgotten what she had left. She had actually forgotten that she was magically plucked away from the battle as her Imperial legions were stamping out the mage rebellion. "They're well trained, they'll be fine. Surely they won." Unaware she had spoken the thought out loud, she resolutely picked up her fork and took a bite. Looking up at Thorn, she smiles grimly. "It's delicious." In truth, she couldn't even taste it. "I'll take a whiskey, neat."
  21. Its a small one. From what I understand of my research on it, there are two types of asexuals. Ones who desire a romantic relationship, and those who don't even have that desire. Could be wrong, just started reading about the whole situation.
  22. I suppose I could jump into the debate. Wasn't sure this qualified but who am I to argue?
  23. "You'd fit in well at court then. I find I can't take two steps there without some noble tripping over my skirts." The smell wafting in from the main room soon filled the tiny room. "Dinner smells delicious." Strides out into the inn's main room in time to see the soldier flirting with the innkeeper. Giving them their space, she walks over to where Yui was sitting. She starts to sit down, but stops herself. She grabs "bobs" chair and arranges it at the table yui had picked.
  24. I found a pizza place that has a Jamaican jerk type pizza. It has pineapple on it, and it was a really pleasant taste when combined with the flavors from the jerked chicken. Pineapple and Canadian bacon is kinda boring.
  25. *takes a deep breath* Get the kiddo ready.. fed, peed, dressed, coat and hatted, with backpack. Go downstairs, wait for the bus. Wait five minutes longer than when school would be starting, NO FUCKING BUS. Calm down, relax Call husband out of work so he can take kiddo to school. Would rather disrupt hubbys work than have Jarek miss a day of speech therapy. (his therapist meets him at his school after their day ends.) Bus company calls and says "UH we were totally there, but you didn't show." Explain I was there within the time parameters, I can't help if they don't respect their own fucking times. (left out the cursing, but really wanted to say it) HIS THERAPIST CALLS. She's sick. Its understandable and I'm glad she's cancelling instead of getting my kid sick. But now my husband has to take work off AGAIN to bring him home. I need some happy pills.
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