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Everything posted by Kenai

  1. "I've found that most people knock before entering private rooms." Alanna carefully picks up the chainmail and slides it over the stands. It of course, fits perfectly. "I thank you for your gift, Bob. I have to admit curiosity about one thing.. Do you often carry twigs on your person?"
  2. It took me forever to figure out what I am on the sexuality spectrum. I always just thought that I was odd. I enjoy relationships with both genders. I enjoy flirting. I love cuddling and whatnot. I just don't like the actual sex part. Which I suppose makes me the biggest tease ever I suppose. Wolf, feel free to move this wherever. I just had no idea where to put it, so this place was fitting.
  3. aww so mushy. *shuffles foot in embarrassment* Well since you started the mush, I might as well finish it. You're the one who inspired me to start, and kept me going with your own amazing progress.
  4. Kenai

    Food woes.

    *hugs* We all have bad days. It happens.
  5. I know we haven't talked much, but I think NL would be emptier without you. So pour out the contents of your vessel and feel free to be the amazing "vessel" until you're ready to refill it with stuff that makes you happy instead of what makes others happy.
  6. Alanna quickly removed the chainmail, laying it out flat on the floor so it wouldn't tangle. Tomorrow she'd have to venture out and find enough wood to craft a crude stand for both the chainmail and armor. With no regard to modesty, she quickly changed into the shirt offered to her by Yui. "The leggings are still wet, but they're slowly getting dryer. I thank you for the shirt." Alanna tugged at the shirt a little. It was so tight! Practical in a fight, as the assailant had less to grab, but it would take getting used to. She was rather grateful that the cotton was thick enough to not be see through at least. "Dinner smells delicious. Shall we?" Alanna opens the door to her room and attempts a friendly smile at Yui.
  7. okay, I've written for roughly an hour. Time clock says an hour and a half but with a toddler distracting me, I'll call it an hour. Need a bit of a break, just finished an emotional scene and it has me whammied.
  8. With mine works.
  9. I need to get back into writing every day. So basically I'm going to post in here every day and talk about my progress. If you want, and I'd appreciate, if you notice a day where I don't post about progress, call me out on it. thread is open to anyone who would like to do the same thing.
  10. {{OOC Stupid question rapture. Is this nova like explosion magically contained to your character, or have you leveled the Inn?}}
  11. Birth control messed with my weight a lot back when I used it. Could that be affecting you?
  12. "Indeed? Well, I was the first woman to enlist, although my rank made it easier for me to obtain my desire. I assure you, I lack both magic and a cat." The offer of clothing was.. unexpected. The feeling of the damp tunic underneath her chainmail quickly ended her feelings of pride. "I thank you for your offer." Alanna stands up, and gestures down the hall. "I'm the second door on the right." She heads for the mentioned room and enters, assuming that Yui is following.
  13. Kenai


    I'm super mad at @firenymph. Okay not really. but a couple years ago she started a facebook group for people trying to lose weight. And she was doing awesome. So I got inspired and lost a bunch of weight. But I'm very what I call "skinny fat". Sure, yeah, I'm 125 pounds. Yay go me. But I'm super unfit. So I've been trying to be more active. Today its raining, so I remembered a conversation I had with Firenymph about walking up the stairs as a way to be active. WHy not? Surely 30 minutes won't be so bad, I walk up and down those stairs a lot. I lasted ten fucking minutes. I think I might be dying. But I did go from 300 steps to 1200. In ten minutes so theres that.
  14. Okay, I'll tone back the judgy attitude towards them then. *hugs*
  15. wait, you have adults there unrelated to you who are mooching? Time to lay down the law woman. Either they help, or they get booted. Hell, I did the crashing at a friends place as a teenager and I did MORE chores than their own kids just out of sheer gratitude.
  16. Is it too late to start enforcing chores? It's unreasonable to have you do it all by yourself when they're perfectly able to.
  17. I'd be a useless lump of sleeping human after coming home from one of your shifts. I'm impressed that you manage to get housework done as well when you get home. Possibly a rude question, and I apologize if it is, but how many chores around the house do your kids do?
  18. It appears to be better.
  19. Mom guilt. Jarek (the spawn) started preschool this year. His teacher called me and said "You're right, he needs speech therapy." He went completely non verbal the first two days of school. Even at home, he talks at a two year old level mostly, and he's almost four. So after his preschool, the speech therapist meets with him. She's actually recommended that he goes to the special needs preschool. We start the paperwork for that at the end of the month. I just feel so fucking guilty. I have trouble talking. I slur, and its difficult to form words. I've tried my hardest with Jarek but I still have that voice in my head going "He's behind because you didn't talk enough. This is all your fault. If only you had been better."
  20. Perfect looking produce like we have in our stores is a huge issue. Customers won't buy it unless it looks perfect, with no blemishes, so farmers just throw away perfectly good crops that can't sell. The sheer amount of food waste is staggering.
  21. You don't have to use the search function in myfitnesspal. Its good for prepackaged stuff, but for homemade meals its terrible. Go to the recipes tab, and click on the enter recipes manually button. It'll have you name the recipe, type in every single ingredient you used as well as the amount and it'll calculate the information from there.
  22. I'm another who agrees whole heartedly with Redly. I don't feel comfortable around other people, ever. I just don't fit. I "fit" here. <3
  23. Alanna felt herself relax when the stranger entered in a peaceful manner. Only then did she pay attention to the proffered chair. Her eyes watered a bit, before she resolutely pushed the tears back. Back home, no one would have dared offer her a seat. "Dining with you would be an honor." She sits down in the chair, and pushed back the chainmail mesh from her head. She deftly unties the cloth cap underneath that with a relieved sigh. The cloth itself was still damp from being washed, but was still stained a dark brown in spots. "I fear I'm still not dressed for polite company. It seems I became lost right in the middle of battle." Cassandra gave an aggrieved huff. "We had the upper hand. Now I fear the cause might be lost. Alanna is acceptable. I find my actual name tiresome. Thank you for the gift of a new one." {{OOC: "alanna is actually the main character of a novel I'm working on. I'm struggling to find a good name that actually fits her, hence, the adopting of kethlia's name. :)}}
  24. At least it is for me. I use firefox if that helps.
  25. Alanna noted the small subtle signs Thorn was showing her. Both the narrowing of the eyes, as well as the teeth baring. She was about to make yet another apology for her behavior when the door opened. Noting both the man's attire and the hand on his sword, she regretted leaving her sword in her room as a sign of peaceful intention. She rested her hand on the back of a chair and tried to subtly ready herself in case action was needed. The odds of him being from her world where slim. If he was, the odds him him belonging to one of the rebellions was bigger than him being in her army. Either way, his intentions needed to be determined.
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