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Everything posted by Kenai

  1. "Lost in some way.." Alanna repeated the innkeepers words to herself. "That would be an accurate description. I've been a title for so long, I think I've forgotten how to be myself." She looked a bit surprised that the admission came so easily. A flicker of annoyance crossed her face, but what was done is done. This after all, wasn't the Imperial Court. They weren't going to go running with whispers of her weakness the very minute she turned her back. Who would they tell? The apple tree? "I require a place to bath both myself and my armor. However, first I find myself in the position of owing an apology." Alanna gave a brief dip of her head to the scared girl. "I apologize as it seems my manner has startled you. It was not my intention. I mean you no harm. May I inquire as to what you are called?"
  2. I see the start a new topic button now! Thank you.
  3. She removes her helmet, frowning slightly at the oddly scared woman. "I am not your mistress. Nor do I condone slavery." She removed the rest of her armor, running her fingers alongside the apparently worthless anti-magic runes that bordered every single piece. She remained only in her tunic, leggings and chainmail. Her sword she did not put up, but belted it around her waist. Removing her armor seemed to her the most logical choice. It conveyed to the locals that she was willing to be friendly as well as if it came to a fight inside a tavern, the armor would only hamper her. "Alanna seems a pretty name, although I have no idea what it means. You may address me by it if you like. And as for the entrance, I do suppose it was rather dramatic. It was a rather...abrupt departure from the battlefield." She remained standing but made sure to have her stance appear friendly. She did however to make sure the door, the strange man with the moving shadows, and the innkeeper were all in her view. "I will pass on the drink, or any offers of food until I must eat. You seem friendly enough, but for all I know, this is the realm of the Fae."
  4. I can't seem to start a new thread in the physical health forum.
  5. Kenai


    My new goal is to be more active. My phone has a step tracker. I've been using that to help motivate me to be on my feet more. The CDC says bare minimum of steps is 7k. Right now I'm at 1.5k and its still morning so I'm somewhat hopeful of getting close to the 7k.
  6. It definitely wasn't easy. I still miss eating. Well, I still obviously eat, but no where near as much as I used to. I very much agree with whoever first said that food addiction recovery is in some ways worse than drug/alchohol recovery. Someone recovering from drugs can walk away from their addiction and avoid it as long as they want. A food addict has to face their addiction head on three times a day.
  7. Kenai

    I feel old

    I know I like myself at 31 way more than I ever did in my early 20's. So yeah, definitely better with age at least in my experience.
  8. 31.
  9. Tika! Next time I'm in Wisconsin we'll have to meet up again. I'll try to be less awkward.
  10. Kenai

    My Journey

    Wolf, you nearly made me cry. I love how you always see the positive in people.
  11. "What the hell!" The inn door slammed open and a woman in full armor strode through, her sword firmly gripped in her right hand. From the state of both the armor and the sword, it was evident she was in battle recently. She sighed wearily as she looked around. "Of course its magical." Turning on her heel, she leaves the inn, letting the door slam behind her. If one was close enough to the door, they would hear her swearing as she cleaned her blade and the worst of the gore from her armor. When she reentered, her sword was sheathed, but her demeanor was not any friendlier. "Who is responsible for bringing me here? Send me back."
  12. Kenai

    My Journey

    I know its easy to say, but I think its important to remember him for who he was before the disease started messing with him. Maybe for every bad memory you think about you could forcefully remember a couple good ones?
  13. Just a picture of me and the cutest spawn ever to be born. (I'm not biased at all...)
  14. Congratulations!
  15. redline! I remember that name! <3
  16. I am also from PI! Preferred FE, fell in love with the northlands.
  17. I'm a bored eater. Well I used to be. I make myself eat only at certain times which has helped. But I still really miss the days where I'd get myself a favorite snack/meal/whatever, curl up with a good book and just enjoy. the problem with that is when I read I don't pay a whole lot of attention to the outside world... and that includes just how much I'm eating. I don't eat and read at the same time anymore.
  18. Kenai

    My Journey

    I'm glad the counseling is helping. I'm sorry the last years with your dad were terrible. How was he before the disease changed him?
  19. Kenai

    Self Harm

    Count me in with the rest. I don't understand it, but I care about you. I'm worried for you, and I assume you know the risks so I won't spew them out at you. *hugs*
  20. Welcome! Standard warning: We're all crazy.
  21. Option 2 has my vote.
  22. welcome back! I'm glad you're here.
  23. eh, its manageable. I'm still able to do most things, I just have to be careful about not tiring myself out.
  24. Danielle, I've forgotten her username. I'll pester her on facebook. Alicia as well. Her username was lionheart I *think*.
  25. *runs into thread* *waves* HI! *runs away giggling*
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