I tried the other method - stayed on FB but started following some people espousing the opposite viewpoint to me, like Paul Joseph Watson, Steven Crowder and Milo Yiannopoulos (to name but 3). I noticed a few things.
1) They are intelligent charismatic guys and do a good job of presenting their bullshit opinions.
2) Watch / read them enough and their shit starts to sound more reasonable.
3) Moving from shit sounding reasonable to actually changing your whole perspective is possible - and not as much of a leap as you think.
4) Once you understand this you realise your opinion is meaningless and founded on whoever you allow to influence you.
5) There is no truth.
6) The people who follow them are all stupid though, just read those comments FFS.
7) As these guys are intelligent they probably know this and don't believe their own bullshit. They are just doing a job. Entertaining the bottom feeders, for money.
8) Engaging with this is therefore worse than meaningless.
9) Watching / reading nothing is better, none of it means anything, nihilism is real.
10) Much more free time and complete pass to not give a fuck about politics. At all. Ever again.