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Everything posted by fox

  1. fox

    What made you sad?

    This. And also. @Tika. I'm so sorry. What an awful feeling.
  2. Nah. It's like putting sea salt on your ice cream (which I also do). It's a sort of strange idea, but outstanding in execution. A balance of taste sensations. It's marvelous.
  3. I just want to couch, blanket, coffee, carbs, and Doctor Who. That's it. Just that. All day.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Timberwolf



    3. Moonhawk


      Me too! 

    4. Aliea


      I have those days but my tv of choice atm is SG1 or once upon a time :) enjoy hun x x

  4. Yes yes yes! I actually really love pineapple on pizza. Not ALL pizzas. But Hawaiian...or that Jamaican jerk wonder that @Kenai just described, that sounds awesome. But yes, I totally dig pineapple on pizza. (No one else in my house does. I have children and they are alllllllllllllllllllllll about no pineapple. Just meat. Always and forever, just meat.)
  5. fox


    This will almost always be one of my favourite things to come out of PI/FE/NL. Ever. Always. @Spyder too, but whenever she posts this, it just tickles me. Also. #gojetsgo!
  6. I didn't know there was a spectrum. I might fall on it? I don't know. Sex has never been my defining or motivating measure. At all, really.
  7. Had a looooooooooooooong conversation with a beautiful human last night. It had been too long, so it was so wonderful to catch up. I love her so much and so deeply. It's carrying my morning. ALSO saw a co-worker friend this morning I didn't think I'd see until November (she's a recruiter and so on the road a lot of this semester). That was lovely!
  8. fox

    Food woes.

    Hah. There's nothing wrong with eating ice cream, @FireNymph. Dammit. ...it's just the emotional/stress/anxious binging. It annoys me that I do it. OH WELL. Thanks guys. You are a wicked wonderful support network.
  9. Awh! I've seen this and I love it. Thank you so much for sharing it here, @fantasymom. This is a great one.
  10. fox

    Food woes.

    The great news is that I now have no ice cream left in my freezer to tempt me. The bad news is that this is due solely to the fact that I ate it. Not the whole container in one sitting. But still. I was doing REALLY well - and the ice cream is truly a drop in a fairly full bucket - and this makes me sad and disappointed. That makes me feel like shit. Then there's guilt and shame and self-loathing. ...and then all I want to do is eat more shit. Never fucking carrots and cucumbers. Always goddamn ice cream and chips. UGH. ...but no more ice cream in the house. So there's that, I guess. Tomorrow's another day, and all of that trite bullshit.
  11. fox

    What made you sad?

    Oh. Well that's just shitty. Like. On top of everything else...that.... Seeing your children sad is awful. Just fucking awful. Dammit @Tika.
  12. Coffee.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. fox


      @Redly - I GUESS that's acceptable. But. This IS a coffee thread. So...c'mon now....

      @Aliea - RIGHT HERE. I would cheerfully make you coffee anytime. I'd PROBABLY even make muffins and/or cinnamon buns and/or cookies. (I love to bake. A lot.)

    3. Aliea


      Right then, I'll be on the next flight to Canada ;)

    4. Redly


      Cinnamon buns?!?!?! :x I'm on that plane! 

  13. Oh. I need this, too. I just don't know how to work it in. (I know that sounds silly, but there's already so much and I need to leave time for my relationships, too. Hah. ) That said! This reminds me of this: https://tinybuddha.com/blog/why-we-dont-do-what-we-want-to-do-and-how-to-start/ I loved this article. It resonated.
  14. 35 and diggin' it. @hirondelle - I love 47. Some of the most influential and important people to my life are 47. (Akshully.) This pleases me.
  15. I have some of the most amazing, thoughtful, kind, supportive, encouraging, honest, dazzling humans in my life. Seriously. It's breathtaking.
  16. fox

    What made you sad?

    And also. Sads. Because life. Because I know things can get worse, because they almost always can, but it doesn't feel like they can right now. (Not in a perilous sense. Just in a vaguebooking, I'm not really ready to talk about it on a public forum yet, kind of way. I'm fine and will be fine, just sad. )
  17. fox

    What made you sad?

    It's much. Thank you. And also back atcha.
  18. Me too, me too! Good luck, wlf!
  19. fox


    This is my favourite theory to date:
  20. It's a forum of many emotions. Today. I put too much responsibility on myself. As a general rule. But today was a big example of that. I'm trying to blame myself for everything that's going sideways in my life, and it's bullshit. I absolutely have responsibility, but it's not a one-way street and I need to remember that.
  21. fox

    What made you sad?

    Ugh. Today. Just. I'm in a way today. I feel like shit (about myself and my role in life things). /Sigh. I need more coffee.
  22. Awh. @MaleConfessor! I see you. Welcome! And @Cyrain! HI!
  23. fox

    Charity work

    ...and it works beautifully with coffee.
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